Jordan profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Sup! I'm an actor here in Chicago, moonlighting as a writer and a musician. I pay other such bills as a web monkey, blah blah blah. I dig parties, not much of a club kid, but my girlfriend is so I guess that pretty much makes me one. I can hang. I like coffee houses, talking to (while side handedly making fun of) wicker park hipsters. I live for artistic collaboration. Love going to movies, live music, theatre.Moved here from the country, can't go back! Small towns, even subburbs make me crazy. Too quiet. I'm way to impulsive to live without constant stimuli.I'm extremely liberal, I despise the Bush administration, but don't mistake me for a mindless partisan. I chose my beliefs, and no one chose them for me. There are allready way too many of those on both the left and right. So, even though I am a liberal, I still talk to republicans. (Most of my family are conservatives.)So, yeah. In short, I'm cool. You?
Your results:
You are River (Stowaway) River (Stowaway) 95% Kaylee Frye (Ship Mechanic) 90% Jayne Cobb (Mercenary) 75% Derrial Book (Shepherd) 75% Wash (Ship Pilot) 75% Dr. Simon Tam (Ship Medic) 70% Malcolm Reynolds (Captain) 65% Inara Serra (Companion) 60% Alliance 55% Zoe Washburne (Second-in-command) 50% A Reaver (Cannibal) 50% Even though you may have some personality problems,
(most likely due to being too smart
and/or from experiments done on you),
you are extremely talented and loved.
Click here to take the "Which Serenity character are you?" quiz...
How evil are you?
Which Trainspotting Character Are You?
You Are Somewhat Machiavellian
You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead...
But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself.
You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place.
You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to! How Machiavellian Are You?
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I like people who understand the meaning of cool. Not to say that I know something you don't, but you have to have, in my opinion, your own deffinition of cool. Mine is having it without having to show it. I may be betraying that just now, but oh well.I like people with passion and purpose in life. What do you do that you absolutely love to do? It's important!I love people, really I do. I love to be around them. I am the "life of the party" as it were.I love good stories and jokes and I love people who like to share them.

I adopted a cute lil' ninja fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

My Blog

Guess we showed them!

Okay- so I had a none-too-finest-hour moment last week. I was moving my car, and there was no parking anywhere because they were doing street cleaning. For those of you living outside Chicago, on stre...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 07:15:00 GMT

Being wrong isn't illegal.

Okay- can't believe I'm saying this, but this is total bullshit! "An Austrian court has sentenced the British historian David Irving to three years in prison for denying the Holocaust while in Austri...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 09:04:00 GMT

Prescription Thoughts

N'kay, so I had a thought today. (Gasp!) I take Adderall for ADD, have for about a year now, and it does help. Honestly, I don't know if I really do have this disorder, or if I'm a government sanction...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 12:37:00 GMT

Blog FM

Okay- Bloggin the bloggiest blogginess, all blog, all the blog! My obsessive compulsive boss (Ah the day job.) is out to lunch (litterally rather than figuratively. For once.) Which means I don't hav...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jan 2006 12:39:00 GMT