matthew (OMFGOMFGOMFG) profile picture


Man, i thought of something really good to put here. But then I forgot it.

About Me

!!!!Dear Brothers and Sisters, Dear Enemies and Friends,Why are we all so alone here? All we need is a little more hope, a little more joy. All we need is a little more light, a little less weight, a little more freedom. If we were an army, and if we believed that we were an army, and we believed that everyone was scared like little lost children in their grown up clothes and poses; so we ended up alone here floating through long wasted days, or great tribulations.. While everything felt wrong. Good words, strong words, words that could've moved mountains. Words that no one ever said. We were all waiting to hear those words and no one ever said them. And the tactics never hatched. And the plans were never mapped. And we all learned not to believe. And strange lonesome monsters loafed through the hills wondering why.. And it is best to never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever wonder why. So tangle -- oh tangle us up in bright red ribbons! Let's have a parade. It's been so long since we had a parade, so let's have a parade! Let's invite all our friends. And all our friends' friends! Let's promenade down the boulevards with terrific pride and light in our eyes: twelve feet tall and staggering.. Sick with joy with the angels there and light in our eyes. Brothers and Sisters, hope still waits in the wings like a bitter spinster; impatient, lonely and shivering, waiting to build her glorious fires. it's because of our plans man; our beautiful ridiculous plans. Let's launch them like careening jetplanes. Let's crash all our planes in the river. Let's build strange and radiant machines at this Jericho waiting to fall.!!!!! make
MySpace Editor

My Interests

A Kondratieff cycle, when it ends, never returns the situation to where it was at the beginning of the cycle.A Kondratieff bicycle, when it ends, never returns the place to where it was at at the beginning of the bicycle.

I'd like to meet:

The Chums of Chance! Rocky Balboa! The man who invented exclamation marks! etc etc etc. Really, this is a stupid fucking question. Everyone is always going to meet other people, and its always by chance, not by want. right? Unless yr like stalking someone. But that's fucked up. Anyways, so when people meet they meet and that is that and the circumstances under which they meet are non-negotiable. So i don't want to meet anyone! But only because i know that its gonna happen anwyways?nevermind none of that makes sense. I guess i would still like to meet a robot made of books.


Tim Hecker, Christian Fennesz, Jim O Rourke,Blonde Redhead, Will Motherfucking Oldham AKA the wee Bonny Prince Billy, Songs: Ohia, anything from those stupid Canadian labels, The Rachel's, Rodan, Slint, the Shipping News, anything Steve Albini ever wrote or produced, like, the Pixies, and uh... i dunno The Locust Holy Molar Le Shok, Les Savy Fav, Q and not U, Belle and Sebastian, and uh......SHANNON WRIGHT she's the best you know....there is more but i think one gets the idea..oh wait, KID606, CEX, BLECTUM FROM BLECHDOM, KEVIN BLECHDOM, TIGER MOTHER FUCKING BEAT SIX RECORDS. the end. NOT. i like xiu xiu and the modern lovers and DAT politics and stereolab old sleater keeney and stffudfgsame I like all the motherfuckin drone and i also really like the SWANS and ANGELS OF LIGHT and all that YOUNG GOD records stuff Low and Codeine are my favorite slow-core and labradford is my favorite slowcoredronepostrockcrazyKranky thing. i think chicago and louisville are ROCK AND ROLL and i think bad german dance music is A - O-K like anything from the KOMPACT records label or BPITCH CONTROL or MORR MUSIC or MILLE PLATAUX. i misspelt platuax but i dont care. heavy vegatable and pinback and three mile pilot and black hearts procession and all the rest of the san diego stuff. and adult.


'Manos' The Hands of Fate.


The history channel and fox news.


I guess everyone likes Thomas Pynchon now. I like him too, and would marry him if i was old and gay.The Scrabble dictionary.Mason&Dixon,those books you read at the phoenix library when you didnt have anything to do but read so you read and it was summer or there was school but you walked around with a book anyways. George Saunders is a good short fiction author, if you like abstract despair and humor.


Rocky Balboa Rocky Balboa Rocky Balboa.