Film, Family Friends, and New People, I love music and I like to stay in shape. More ask?
I'm looking for people that are interested in the entertainment world, I’m looking for talent, and I'm looking for friends guys or girls. If you fall into any of these categories you can leave a message with my virtual secretary haha
STP, Nirvana, Verve Pipe, bush, Cold Play, Opiet for the Masses, Sloth, Plastic Parachute, Audio Slave, Audio Vent, Rage, God Smack, Broke, Chevelle and many more
To many to list. I love movies if you want to talk about it hit me up.
24 come on the best TV Series ever.. I want to work with Kiefer Sutherland one day that would be cool.. How about Heros thats a good one..
Cronicals of Narnia, Shakespeare, Enders Game, Gone, The Prophet, Lord of the Rings Series, IT, Poetry pretty much any kind. ect
Lawyers, Police Officers, Politicians, and all the nice folks at the IRS