ELDORADO and the RUCKUS profile picture



About Me

***** Memphis-based Eldorado Del Rey was the singer/guitarist for the ulta-raw, bluesy punk outfit known as the Porch Ghouls. Signed as the first act to Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry’s fledgling label Roman Records via Columbia, they released their debut album Bluff City Ruckus in 2003. Upon returning from tour with Aerosmith and Kiss (an unlikely trek they managed to pull off with flying colors), the Porch Ghouls parted ways. Not content to sit idle, Del Rey formed Eldorado and the Ruckus. ********************************************** The first release, “Planet of the Vampires II,” (Bigfoot Records) found the singer/guitarist backed by the like-minded Alabama duo The Immortal Lee County Killers. Del Rey whose day job is working at sun studio, where the disc was recorded, has steeped his songwriting in the kind of blues recorded there by Sam Phillips in the 50’s. On “Vampires” he takes it to it’s sonic maximum. *********************************************** The addition of drum machines and new wave-inspired keyboards have expanded the blues-rock swagger of the Ruckus. The latest release, “Do Androids’ Dream of Electric Sheep?” (Bigfoot Records) is ostensibly a science-fiction blue-rock opera based, at least partially, on the works of the late Phillip K. Dick. The fantastic gives the Ruckus a context in which to play around with familiar styles. At times the sound recalls Talking Heads or the Cure, but without ever losing the basic beat. Eldorado manages to update the sound of the blues while remaining true to the feeling behind them. ************************************************************ This spring has found Eldorado with the song. “Mr. Oblivion,” in the Paramount Motion Picture, “Black Snake Moan.” It will also find him raising a ruckus all over the United States with his band... CDBABY LINK for ELDORADO AND THE RUCKUS: planet of the vampires II --Passport To Eternity Video:Live Version: ********

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My Interests


Member Since: 12/1/2004
Band Website: eldoradoandtheruckus.com
(Lead Vox, B.C Rich Guitars, and wholelot of facial hair )
(Lead Guitar, Airline Guitars, Engineering, and a bad habit of running into things)
(Real drums, Drum programming, Sampling, and Eating of flesh) SIDLESS NANCY (looking good and picking up the slack)
Influences: Blues, Punk Rock, Memphis and tasty Bar-B-Que

Record Label: www.myspace.com/bigfootusrecords
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


    I met George Romero on February 2nd and I think my life will be forever changed.  Romero's apocolyptic visions of man's excess and ultimate frailty are true American classics.&...
Posted by ELDORADO and the RUCKUS on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 02:17:00 PST


I resisted Max Brook's first book "The Zombie Survival Guide," because it seemed like it would be tongue-and-cheek and kitchy. let's face it, even a hardcore zombie fan like me is finding the contiu...
Posted by ELDORADO and the RUCKUS on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 08:38:00 PST


For the last year i've been kind of obsessed with the band "...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of The Dead". The last band i liked this much was probably the Grifters or The Oblivions. That brings...
Posted by ELDORADO and the RUCKUS on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 07:14:00 PST


Hey friends, i'm sorry if you recieved a bunch of spam from me, but it wasn't me.  someone hacked into my site and spammed everyone.  anyway, i changed my password, so i think it's cool.&nbs...
Posted by ELDORADO and the RUCKUS on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 06:22:00 PST


By now everyone already knows i moved away from memphis.  It was just time.  Anyway, i'm currently kickin' it down in florida in a small cabin down the road from my parents.  i'm half w...
Posted by ELDORADO and the RUCKUS on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 02:26:00 PST

Last Show!!!!!!

I'm calling this the last show, because i'm moving to philadelphia.  it's kind of a sneaky ploy, because i have no intention of quitting.  i plan to continue making music in philly, but...
Posted by ELDORADO and the RUCKUS on Tue, 15 May 2007 08:33:00 PST

spring tour 2007

first, i would like to thank everyone that made our tour such a success.  you guys set us up shows, brought people out, fed us, got us drunk, and even gave us a place to stay. you might have noti...
Posted by ELDORADO and the RUCKUS on Tue, 15 May 2007 08:09:00 PST

NEW!!! "passport to eternity" video

checkout our new video for "passport to eternity." the single is from the up coming album "do android's dream of electric sheep?"  elizabeth harris shot it and joel rose put it together.&nbs...
Posted by ELDORADO and the RUCKUS on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 08:07:00 PST

el's favorite zombie movie

slim electro from the porch ghouls told me once that lists are for nerds.  because i am, i bring you!!! ELDORADO'S FAVORITE ZOMBIE MOVIES 1. zombi= equal parts retarded and beautiful. fulci! fulc...
Posted by ELDORADO and the RUCKUS on Wed, 17 May 2006 07:34:00 PST

first ruckus show

i just came across this the other day and decided to put a link to it:  the original ruckus consisted of chet and j.r. of the immortal lee county killers.  we only played one show and it was...
Posted by ELDORADO and the RUCKUS on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 05:54:00 PST