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The coolest MOM in the world!!!

About Me

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My Interests

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My main Interest now is my son and getting through college. But I keep up on my favorite soap(DAYS) and of course this damn my space.

I'd like to meet:

Dolly Parton, Kevin Costner, Robert Redford, Julia Roberts, and a bunch of other famous people but most of all I would like to meet the ones I know and love in heaven (someday)espiecally MY DAD I miss you Dad!!!



Classic Rock(go pink floyd)Country, Oldies, Classic Country,and well just about everything.


Drama, ya chick flicks, I love a good action film now and then, oh ya the animated children films are there to.


Grey's Anatomy, General Hospital,Days of our Lives, Nip Tuck #1 , Survivor, and of course Thomas the Train,Bob the Builder,SpongeBob (god I love my son)


some self help books, inspirational, superromance, oh ya walt disney, dr. suess, learning activities(gotta love him)


I have a ton of heroes but the biggest one is MY SON!!!!!!
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