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Fuck that noise!

About Me

Hey My name is Jesse..I'm 21 and in the Marine Corps. I am more than likely already on my next deployment...You might be one of the lucky ones to have talked to me before I left...But if not I am deployed so i won't be able to answer right back so have patience...Anyways we'll go on about me. I am from a small town in Northern Michigan called Skidway...I love that place. I am stationed in Yuma, Arizona but I am more than likely TAD to a deployment. I like fishing, hunting, and I love MMA. I am hardly a quiet person and sometimes quite the asshole..But if you don't like that Fuck You..Just kidding...If you have any other questions feel free to ask me..
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My Interests

Fishing, Hunting, know all of America's greatest past times!

I'd like to meet:

That fucker who decided to make the Marine Corps get up so freaking early!!! So i could punch him in the face...


Country...I guess i will listen to everything except Death Metal...


...THE NOTEBOOK,JARHEAD,Ears Open, Eyeballs Clicked.. All the Rocky movies, Braveheart, Shooter, The Boondock Saints,Legends of the Fall, Gone in 60 seconds, Sniper, Young guns, American outlaws.Quick and the dead, Over the Hedge, See no Evil, Heartbreak Ridge, A few good men...Ali, Ninja Turtles, Ghostbusters, The rock, Con Air, The Die Hard with a Vengeance series..The Client..3:10 to Yuma..and a bunch of other ones...


Nip/Tuck, Rescue Me, CSI, Future Weapons, Survivor Man, Heroes,Dexter,MythBusters, Anything to do with UFC or any other MMA league.


Where the red fern grows, The Outsiders, Of mice and men. Generation Kill, The proud bastards, Faith of our Fathers,One Bullet Away, First to fight-An inside view of the US Marine Corps.


Pretty much any other service member....and My Family...

My Blog

I’m off Again!!!!

I am leaving yet again this time on a different deployment...I leave this Saturday and won't be back for awhile again..SO if u try to talk to me on Myspace and i don't answer I'm not tryin to ignore y...
Posted by Jesse on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 08:08:00 PST

I'm Coming Home...for a little while!

Hey,   I am coming home from Aug 1st thru the 14th from Japan...Then when i leave again I am coming back to this hellhole we call MALS-12 in iwakuni, Japan...if u guys want to do sumthing hit me ...
Posted by Jesse on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 01:54:00 PST

If you wonder where I am.....

Alright...If you don't know yet! I am currently deployed on the 31st MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit). I left on Jan 13th, I am not really sure when I am coming home but im told sumtime after July or A...
Posted by Jesse on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 03:05:00 PST