watching movies that have topped the buster, acting, dancing, studying , reading books, chatting, doing a couple of charitable and heroic deeds... and making my chums, fans, family and those who surround me happy!!
anyone in this earthly state! honey, i'll appreciate it when he'll give me goosebumps! lol.
be my guest!!!
I loVe RoCk and Roll!!!!!I love listening to movies rock sweet . melodial type?. rap but i really like most POP?/' RoCK Ur WOrLD!!!!!!!!!LiZzIe McgUiRe MoViE, WaT A GIrL WaNtSSS, PrInCeS DiArIeS AnD AlL ThE CuTiE Muzicz OuT DeR....ooooowwwwww...... i also love listening to the hitz of BriTNeY JanE SpearS... (c'mon) the POP PRINCeSssssS..... JenniFEr LOpEZ.!! WOw Great muzicz of... PunKy SzonGz Of Ms... AvRil LaVigNe... !!!!!!! (ROCKERZ) and (RULLINGZ)...... ComPliCated, Sc8ter Boi!!!!!... Im wiTh You..... !! knockinG on Heavens Door!!!!!..( jOin The FUN).............. The laTinA HeaT GiRla..... SHAkiRA !!!!! tHAlia too......( sPANiSH ZOngS) wanna dance oBjeCtion TangO.......? Oh!!! ManDY MooRe..... crying grl......... But mY favOritesz are: CELINE DIONE........ the diva oF diVaAS..... ( WHt A voICE).......!!!!!!! my Heart will go on...... Blocck Buzter Hitsz......MRIAH CAREY!!!!!00000wwwwwssqqooopowwss!!!!!! frOm ah! catterPilaar... to a..... preety Butterfly......!!!!! Leann Rimes......9( how Do i Livve w..out you)....... WhiTnEy HoUsTOn!!!!!!!!( WHEN U BELIEVE)... THERE CAn b miracles...zz!!!!zzz Mmmm..... miChaael Jackzonz!!!!! (hiphop)..... full of energy....... CristinnA agUIllErA!!!!!!(powerrrrfulll voice)LINKIN Park.......ROCkz...... SimPle Plan!!!!! F4....... (MAandaRin ChinEse)......errrrrrrrr....... songz but itz niCE!!!!! cutie,,,.......dunno understand!!! Westlife!!!!!! a1!!!!! Il DiVo!!!!! BLUE!!!!!! songss of......DeSTIny's CHild......(soldiers)....... gilr Power !!!!! we will we wIll Rock yoah!!!!! Beyonce Knowles.....!!!!! (soo sexy)) ... preety one hah?...... the UndisPuted sTar of HollywooD!!!!! some offf The new Rissing Stars..... are....... 1... JOJo 2.... Usher 3... kellY ClarksoN... 4...... Jessy MccarTney 5.... Kellly... 6.. michelle Branccch.....But my faves,.. group or band...... issssssssssss...........oh!! BLACK EYED PIECE!!!!!!!!! hehheh wwoaahhh!! (bEST)................. WHERE is d love??????/........... confused......Hey! mama!!!!!!........... lets get To sstaRtEd!!!!!! Shut up......!!! the apple zong....... aBsolUTely InCREDIBLe!!!!!! I also like Raap....... zongz esp...... of Eminem!@@!!!!!== my guy!!!!! errrrr.....lallalalalla!!!!!! rapping!! jamming!!!!!!! EvaneScEnCE!!!!!! (SSSSSSCCCCCCAAAAARRRRRY0) dear...... waaake me up......................... BRrring me back To LIfe......... My iMmortal.......(Im a MOrTal PeRsOn)!!!!!!!i hate aCoUSTics!!!!!!!!
I love watching horror films, slight on comedy, heavy dramas, fantasy, and love too. In case u don't know, my fave is TITANIC! Didja believe it?
should i enumerate all those books which i have already read? OH-My-Gosh, it would take me a million light years to do that.. h-ha.
Jesus Christ is my Hero, my Master and King!