Midge Potts 4 Legalizing Cannabis and Ending War! profile picture

Midge Potts 4 Legalizing Cannabis and Ending War!

Represent Yourself!

About Me

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please check out VotersForPeace.US and sign the pledge to vote only for candidates who are steadfastly against the Iraq War and U.S. imperialism.

Midge Potts for Congress

Well, I lost. But for some reason, I don't feel like a loser.
I spent around 2000 dollars, so I paid 50 cents a vote.
Roy Blunt spent over 2 MILLION!!! So, that works out to around $40 per vote.
Here are the final results:
U.S. House 7th - Republican -- 307 of 308 precincts reporting (100%)
R. Blunt 47,532 80% (X)
C. Kinder 5,174 9%
M. Potts 4,270 7%
B. Kennetz Jr. 2,489 4%
Anyway, I tried the best I could!
I really want to thank all of you who believed in me, reposted my bulletins, and voted for me... you all rock!!! Don't let your participation in your own government end here... we just have to keep on trying to be the change we want to see.
Peace & Freedom, Midge WHO AM I? I am a 37 year old transgender social justice activist... actually, I am a "Folktivist", as in the fact that I am a "Folk Music Activist". I am running for congress in SW MISSOURI's August 8th Republican Primary.
This political system is such a huge joke that I thought I ought to put the exclamation point on it! I am tired of hearing everybody say "there's nothing we can do".
If your interests are not really being represented, then you have the choice of representing yourSelf.
I feel I am qualified to represent the people of Southwest Missouri becaue I represented myself in DC Supreior Court, along with my codefendents Pete Perry and Dave Barrows, after being arrested for the charge of "illegal demonstration" while protesting against the White House's involvement of torture in its so called "War on Terror".
The public has always had access to government archives; however, the internet has now made it much easier to represent yourSelf in that it allows us access to much information about law... from federal legislation to current state statutes, from municipal codes to election laws... You can be your own lawyer if you choose to educate yourSelf... and perhaps, individual citizens should be allowed to be our own representatives in the federal government... or at least at the state level and community levels.This is why it is very important that we in America have a great public discussion on the benefits of striving toward the ideal of "direct democracy" .
I am especially worried about America's youth... my message to you is "Don't give up hope"
Don't let people tell you that you can't live your dreams, because you can do anything you put your heart mind and soul into!
So, now you have a choice besides voting for some rich white man that doesn't remember how it feels to be young.
If you feel like it, and you live in Southwest Missouri's 7th Congressional district, you can register to vote, ask for a Republican primary ballot on August 8th, and vote for the shemale peace activist that REALLY wants to make changes in the way our government works.
How will I make changes? With ideas from people like you! I want to listen to your ideas of how America can be a better place to live. So, please leave me comments and tell me what is on your mind.

My Promises To You The Voter:

I will stick by my word on these and any promises I make during my Congressional campaign:
1) I promise to serve no more than 2 terms, and I will introduce legislation creating term limits during each and EVERY year I am in Congress.
2) I promise to NEVER take campaign contributions from any Political Action Committees including corporations, unions, and ALL "special interests"
3) I promise to introduce legislation changing the current system of retirement benefits for MEMBERS OF CONGRESS so that they have to PAY INTO SOCIAL SECURITY like all other Americans.
I also promise to listen to my constituents by instituting a People's Veto

Midge Potts for Congress


Mar 3, 2006 - Springfield News-Leader
Mar 26, 2006 - St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Mar 27, 2006 - KY3-TV
Apr 15, 2006 - Associated Press
May 26, 2006 - Interview in EXP Magazine
June 27, 2006 - Roll Call - Capital Hill's Newspaper
August, 2006 - STERN MAGAZINE (Germany)
March 17th, 2007 - CNN - Interview with Rick Sanchez
March 27th, 2007 The Hill - Meet Midge, the Protester in Pink
April 10th, 2007 Reuters - Transgender Navy Vet Protests War in Congress

My Interests

Getting arrested at US Supreme Court:

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I'd like to meet:

I like people with ideas... I love to hear all philosophies and beliefs. I think healthy debate of issues is good. I don't judge a person by their color, gender, religion or anything else but their character.

My Blog

McCain Busted in Springfield Missouri!!!

John McCain visited Springfield yesterday, and we busted him! I had recently discovered on opensecrets.org that McCain ranked number one among Senators recieving money from the oil & gas in...
Posted by Midge Potts 4 Legalizing Cannabis and Ending War! on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 02:23:00 PST

VIDEO: CODEPINK lampooned on Saturday Night Live!!!

Last weekend, CODEPINK was included in Saturday Night Live's opening skit about the recent Petraeus hearing in the Senate Armed Services committee. It's funny... it's about halfway throught the video ...
Posted by Midge Potts 4 Legalizing Cannabis and Ending War! on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 09:17:00 PST

VIDEO BLOG: Midge and friends in Senate hearing for Iraq War funding

Posted by Midge Potts 4 Legalizing Cannabis and Ending War! on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 08:22:00 PST

Back in DC kicking ass in the halls of Congress!!!

So, I got back to the CODEPINK house in DC monday night for the first time in four months. On Tuesday, I went to the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing where General Petraeus was testifying. Whil...
Posted by Midge Potts 4 Legalizing Cannabis and Ending War! on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 08:45:00 PST

Iraq Veterans arrested at U.S. Capitol for protesting the American military occupation of Iraq

After marching from the White House to Congress with tens of thouosands of people, Dozens of veterans were among those arrested on U.S. Capitol plaza protesting the continued occupation of I...
Posted by Midge Potts 4 Legalizing Cannabis and Ending War! on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 07:37:00 PST

CODEPINK welcomes back reps and senators by initiating "Whipping Congress into Shape" campaign.

On wednesday September 5th, CODEPINK women from around the country marched to Congress promising to whip our elected representatives "into shape" if they don't stop squandering America's national trea...
Posted by Midge Potts 4 Legalizing Cannabis and Ending War! on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 11:31:00 PST

CODEPINK and Backbone Campaign stage street theatre on U.S. Capitol steps

On Wednesday Spetember 5th, CODEPINK and the Backbone Campaign presented a street theatre performance on the Capitol steps involving people dressed as sheep and a 40 foot long preamble to the U.S. Con...
Posted by Midge Potts 4 Legalizing Cannabis and Ending War! on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 11:24:00 PST

Pro-war guy video taped CODEPINK demo @ McCaskills office!!!

At Ozarks CODEPINK's "Troops Home for the Holidays" demo the other day, there was a pro-war guy who filmed us and tried to keep baiting us into saying that we were using the troops to furthe...
Posted by Midge Potts 4 Legalizing Cannabis and Ending War! on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 03:30:00 PST

Ozarks CODEPINK Visits McCaskill, Bond and Blunt, OH MY!!!

  The recently rejuvenated CODEPINK of the Ozarks had a big day Wednesday August 29th when we paid visits to the local offices of both Missouri Senators, Bond and McCaskill, as well as the of...
Posted by Midge Potts 4 Legalizing Cannabis and Ending War! on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 09:05:00 PST

Karl Rove (Portrayed by Medea) Inside Judiciary Hearing

If you can't see this photo goto DC CODEPINK House blog to view.This is classic CODEPINK!AP Photo via YahooNEWS Protestors hold up signs including a picture of White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl...
Posted by Midge Potts 4 Legalizing Cannabis and Ending War! on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 10:44:00 PST