Andy-rew profile picture


Don't pour that water on me. Let me burn, let me burn, let me burn with the fire of love!

About Me

i like to do stuff. ya know, this and that.

My Interests

listening to records, watching horror films and eating dots with my girl, ghetto foosball, Cleveland sports teams, bowling, being a cool

I'd like to meet:

My grandparents, Irma Thomas, Robbie van Leeuwen, Mariska Veres, Berry Gordy, Lamont Dozier, Eddie & Brian Holland, Chris Clark, Everly Bros., F. & B. Bryant, Dion DiMucci, Rod Serling, Steve Cropper, Ray Davies, Bill Murray, Paul Reubens.


British guys, Don and Phil, Jackie DeShannon, The Miracles


The Last Picture Show, After Hours, To Sir with Love, A Christmas Story, The Shining, Slapshot, Dazed and Confused, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, This Is Spinal Tap, Blue Velvet


Free TV with rabbit ears, Conan O'Brian, Strangers with Candy, Freaks and Geeks, old Soul Train episodes they've been showing really late (on 28 sat nites), Twilight Zone (original), Leave it To Beaver, WKRP in Cincinnati, Get a Life, 90s Simpsons episodes


1984, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Farenheit 451, The Trial, Letters to a Young Poet, Go Dog Go, and anything that has neat pictures.


people who wear tights and capes and rest their fists on their hips