Cool Brother Kyle profile picture

Cool Brother Kyle

Pizza!, Now that's what I call I taco.

About Me

Hello, I am Cool Brother Kyle. I am the owner of Lost Weekend Records, a used record store (vinyl rules), in Columbus Ohio. I play guitar and sing songs. I currently play in Truman Carter. I also recently finished but not yet released a full lengh album with The Mealworms. Previously I released a double 7" record produced by Jorma Kaukonen. I am a former member of Bubba Ho-Tep. Sometimes I play percusion in The Broken Circle Gospel Deluxe. I have also been know to spin records at Cafe Bourbon Street and on pirate radio. Free your mind and your ass will follow.

My Interests

I find staying alive pretty interesting

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet people that I don't know that I want to meet.


I could list a million bands here I like. I like almost all music with only a few dislikes.

The stuff I really love is:
The Rolling Stones
Jefferson Airplane
The Kinks
Bob Dylan
John Hartford
The Rev. Gary Davis
The Temptations
Pica Huss
Pica Huss
Pica Huss


Breakfast at Tiffany's, Apocalypse Now, The Pink Panter Strikes Again, The Sure Thing and any movie with zombies.

Most recentky I watched The Kid, starring Charlie Chaplin and Jackie Coogan.


Saturday Night Live, The Simpsons, Sopranos, Law and Order, The Lost, Freaks and Geeks, WRKP in Cincinatti. I also watch too much news, I try to stop but I can't help myself.


Anything by Joe R. Lansdale. The last book I read was "Billion Dollar Babies" by Bob Greene


My heros are people who are doing what they want to be doing and not killing anyone in the process.