Evil Empire Records & Comics profile picture

Evil Empire Records & Comics

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me



3rd Anniversary Record Swap N Sale

Saturday March 28th, 12:00-8:00pm, Kafe Kerouac, 2250 N. High Street, Columbus, OH 43201
How time flies when you’re peddling records…. It’s been three years since I started selling records at Kafe Kerouac! It really snuck up on me! I’d certainly like to take the time to thank everybody who has taken the time to come on down to the coffee shop over the past three years, whether it was for records or just for a coffee or a beer or books or whatever! It’s folks like you that keep Columbus from becoming just another city with the same malls and chain-stores.
To celebrate I’m throwing the biggest Swap yet. At least 3 other sellers have committed to coming out. I’ll be there of course to sell you a bunch of records starting at $1. (Or even less!) Kerouac will be positively dripping with vinyl-y goodness!!
As always, I want to keep the spirit of “THE SWAP” alive. Low on cash? No excuse for not coming out!!! I will at least consider all offers of trade and I’ll make cash offers on records you no longer want. Even if I don’t want your records, maybe one of the other sellers will!
(And remember, if you’re an artistic type, I’m always willing to trade records for cool pictures and paintings.)


Campus: Kafe Kerouac
2250 N. High Street
Short North: What The Rock?!
1116 N. High Street

I Buy And I Pay More!

Don't get me wrong... The other record dealers in town aren't bad people. They just have an overhead issue. So when you go in to see them with a pile of records, they have no choice but to offer you a pittance. On the other hand, I don't have to pay rent or salary and as a result I can offer you more. Its just plain math. Email me first if you're lookin' to sell and you won't be disapointed!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My policy is that if you don't message me first, I won't add you. Especially if you're a band. Fuck it. If you don't strike up a conversation with me, I won't add you. Dig? NO Conversation, No Add

My Blog

Eulogy For Larry’s

When I read today that Larry's was gone, I was really torn between being outright sad or being blase, since the Larry's I knew was long gone anyways.  I'm going with sad... But in that way you're...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 18:35:00 GMT

Random Thoughts

HOW THE DEMOCRATS ARE GONNA MESS IT UP THIS TIME The same way the did last time... By alienating the folks in rural areas of battleground states like Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan.  I've s...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 19:51:00 GMT

The greatest song in the world at this moment

Edwin Starr: 25 Miles.  I've listened to it about 5 times in a row (Much to my co-worker's pleasure I'm sure) and placed it on my Profile.  There's isn't a better song in the world at this m...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 13:36:00 GMT

The Way Its Gonna Be

I don't know how many of y'all I've talked to about it, but I'm getting ready to make a little more use outta my website.  (Like actually have stuff for sale on it.)  I should have all the w...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 16:20:00 GMT

Moral of the Story: Ken’s a Jerk And An Idiot

I had to take Agnes in for surgery on Friday to remove some mammary tumors.  the Vet is very optimistic that they are of the non-carcinogenic variety, but sent them to histology to make sure.&nbs...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 16:32:00 GMT

Iron Man

Congratulations John Favreau.  You did it!  I can't think of a another superhero movie where the script "got it" from begining to end.  You understood the character.  You...
Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 21:33:00 GMT

Three Easy Steps To Get Me To Like Your Record

It still happens.  People in bands still ask my opinion on their records.  And I still try and be constructive as possible and fairly honest.  But I'm a simple man with simple...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 12:37:00 GMT

Back To The Future

Tonight the City of Columbus is having a town meeting to discuss the viability of a light rail/trolley link between downtown and the south campus area.  I have to coness that at first blush, I lo...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 07:27:00 GMT

Hate To Say I Told You So? I think not!

I've decided today the old saw "I Hate To Say I Told You So" has no place falling out of my mouth.  I LOVE to say "I told you so."  It makes me feel like a big man with a big brain. Now, why...
Posted by on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 21:52:00 GMT

I’m A Proud Poppa

No, I haven't bred.  (I'm far too self centered to give up any of my precious time to some damn needy kid.  Did you know you have to feed them damn things everyday????  Like three times...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 12:06:00 GMT