Drinkin stella, goin out with my mates, havin a laugh and terrorisin jumpin jacks, football, boxing,
I'd like to meet:
Denise van outen, liz hurley, george best (rip) richard burns (rip) stevie hyper d (rip) a href="http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individ
i listen 2 just about every thing, from 60's 2 hip hop, i must admit i do like the old rave music reminds me of my youth.lol check out cofastree, quality band!!! also into my 4x4 garage at the minute some quality beats out there
anything tarantinos done especially pulp fiction,the goonies,ong bak(tony ja) the bloke is unreal!, lock stock and 2 smokin barrels, snatch, human traffic .. height="350" width="425" data="http://www.youtube.com/v/j5WUWEgt6nc"
top gear, skysports news, soccer am, scrubs, shameless, mtv base, south park and prison break
any autobiographys, marching powder
jimmy hill if u know me u'd know why lol. And my mum of course!!!