Gardening is my zen. I have recently taked up some needle point. Wich makes me sound all kinds of old school, It keeps me occupied. Ghosts, paranormal, aliens. All that crazy type of stuff. It's so interesting....Change. I need it, love it, must have it. I don't like life to get to boring.
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Old friends who have sadly gotten left behind in all my many moves. People who I haven't met that have common interests. Friends that I can be totally open and honest with minus all the bull shit.
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I love electric music like Massive Attack, Portishead, etc and recently been turned on to Swarf. The classic stuff is always a bonus. Zeppelin, Floyd, Bowie, Eurthymics, etc. Some of the new stuff is good too. If you really want to tourchure me, just play some rap and country.
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Scary ones....and suspence...oh oh and action. Yea action.
Because of my adorable 2 year old, I am subjected to a lot of PBS. We don't have cable so our reception is poor. Usually I watch movies with Jordan once the kids are in bed. It's our relaxation time.
Dean R. Koontz is my favoriate. I like Steven King, but his endings are usually a dissapointment.
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My amazing, talented, handsome husband. My lovely sister Tonja who has four kids. I don't know how she does it. She really is a saint.
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