Gergo profile picture



About Me

I am a Hungarian guy living in Göteborg. Right now I am teaching at Göteborg University, and beside I am studying an obscure enzyme with even more obscure techniques . Before I lived in France in Grenoble, and still going back from time to time. My sister lives in Munich and operates a quite successful cattery. If you are into cats you might wish to visit her at .

My Interests

traveling, sightseeing, languages, local culture, movies, music, literature, nature, science, technology, philosophy...

I'd like to meet:

The goodness in all people...


Queen, Def Leppard
Nirvana, Red Hot Chilli Peppers
The Corrs, The Cranberries
Bjork, Dido, Alais Morrisette
The Cure, Sarah McLachlan
The Verve
Madonna, Shania Twain, Annie Lenox, Cyndi Lauper
Marie Fredriksson, ABBA, Titiyo, Kent
Mike Oldfield, Vangelis
Depeche Mode, Tears for Fears, Pet Shop Boys, Erasure
Bonnie M
Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Dvorak, Handel, Pachelbel
Ella Fitzgerald, Luis Armstrong
Camille, La grande Sophie
Mr. Roux, Sanseverino, La rude Salska


Just saw recently:
300 - ****
Road to Guantanamo - ****
No man's land - ***** A sad, sad movie
An inconvenient truth - ***
Spiderman 3 - **
Children of Men - ****
The Queen - *****
Who killed the electric car - ****
The Matador - ***
Little children - *****
Notes on a scandal - ****
The dead girl - ***
Vacancy - ***
Hostel - **
Dreamgirls - *****
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - ****
Half Nelson - ***
In my father's den - ****


No, thanks I don't need it, but I can understand those who are addicted to it. Anyway here are a few pictures of Norway instead:


George R.R. Martin: A feast for crows
James Herriot: If only they could talk
Stephen Clarke: A year in the merde
James Herriot: Let sleeping vets lie
James Herriot: Vet in harness
Fontane: Effi Briest
Diderot: Les bijoux indiscrets
Diderot: La Religieuse
Hawthorne: The scarlet letter
Sempé/Goscinny: Les vacances du petit Nicolas
Astrid Lindgren: Ronja rövardotter
Jan Mårtenson: Döden går på auktion

All time bests:
J Heller: Catch 22
Vonnegut: The Sirens of Titan
Douglas Adams: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (and co.)
Orwell: 1984


I am quite sure they don't want to be named...

My Blog

from Sweden

Huh, it was a long time since my last entry. Since then I moved to Sweden, went to Morocco for a conference, participated a long experiment back in Grenoble, then went through the settling process aga...
Posted by Gergo on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 01:56:00 PST

Preparing for the move

If June was busy, August will be crazy. I will move to Sweden and then I have a talk in Marrakesh. At the moment I am already surrounded by moving boxes and try to arrange everything as smoothly as po...
Posted by Gergo on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 04:06:00 PST

Busy June

It start with my trip to Budapest, where we are selling our family flat. I will go through Munich, but only stay two night on the way back and forth. But on the 7th I will be there for 4 days, I will ...
Posted by Gergo on Wed, 30 May 2007 10:03:00 PST

Going to Heidelberg

I will participate in the EMBO fellows lab management course. I hope I will become boss-like at the end of the course.
Posted by Gergo on Tue, 08 May 2007 01:33:00 PST


My Paper is published in Science today! Raman-Assisted Crystallography Reveals End-On Peroxide Intermediates in a Nonheme Iron Enzyme Gergely Katona,1 Philippe Carpentier,1 Vincent Nivière,2 Patrici...
Posted by Gergo on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 11:55:00 PST

Back to France

In Hungary I was welcomed with nice spring weather and blossoming flowers everywhere. It was nice to visit some of my friends after a long time. Driving back was not so smooth because the snowstorms l...
Posted by Gergo on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 12:31:00 PST

on the way home

After the frenetic last month I decided to take a break. I came to Munich to my sister's place where my tooth was waiting for me to get installed in my mouth. Finally this is off my shoulder. It was n...
Posted by Gergo on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 01:02:00 PST

what a day...

My last week was incredibly busy with travelling to Barcelona then Gothenburg and back. I had a short visit to Toulouse also. During this time I had two job interviews and jut today I was offered an a...
Posted by Gergo on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 01:32:00 PST

more pics

I got hold of some more pics from the Chamechaude trip....
Posted by Gergo on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 02:22:00 PST

Rando to Chamechaude

Yesterday at the end of the Laue workshop six of us climbed up the peak of Chamechaude on snowshoes. The final part was quite treacherous because of the slippery paths and forcefull high-altitude wind...
Posted by Gergo on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 09:43:00 PST