Long cups of coffee with a smoke maybe a person or two... and some works of Hafiz.I knew we would be friends As soon as you open your mouth and i heard your soft soundI knew we would be friendsthe first time dear pilgrim i heard you laughI knew it would not take me long to turn you back intoGodHafiz
My self a week from now. And myself two week in the past from "Now" (a week from now)Hafiz
Billie Holiday, Bjork, Nina, Cash, Dylan, Louis Armstrong, Air, Etta James, Beck, Ben Lee,Cure,Erik Satie ( this could go on forever )
city of god
LOST! Yet there has not been a tv around for about two years now so I am a bit behind.
The Stranger by Albert Camus Drunken on the wine of the Beloved by Hafiz well any thing by him these days in love with God and he has taken me there
Hafiz, Job , Albert Camus, James Bladwin, the sunlight the moon and the stars..