I'm a photographer and a writer. I also enjoy medicine and the works of the heart. I hope to one day be famous for comming up with a cure for sickle cell or diabetes.
Langston Hughes because I would love to tell him that his poetry has more meaning and heart than he could ever know. I hope to one day hear him speak his written words in heaven because that is where I plan to go. i would also like to meet....My Grandmother Elizabeth who died before I was born. We would have a glass of wine and talk about my mother when she was little and men.
I love everything from Floetry to MManson and back to old Dorris Day.... -That was mostly in my past life. Recently I just got an old record player. I have Stevie Wonders "Intervisions" which I play alot. Also I've been playing alot of Sade " Lover's Rock."I'm not to sure what has come over me recently.
I really enjoyed Like Water for Chocolate but my favorite movie is To Kill a Mockingbird....... I'm just kidding ! It would be Crooklyn a Spike Lee Joint.Anything with Eddie Murphy before Dr.Doolittle I love. There are so many movies were should I begin. Ok..City of God,I Heart Huckabees, Headwig and the Angry Inch, Life Aquadic, Donnie Darko, Waiting to Exhale, Lost in Translation, Fooling April, Trainspotting, 28 Days Later, Motercyle Diaries, The Piano, Eternal Sunshine of A Spottless Mind
Selected Poems of Langston Hughes is a really good one. Also That's My Momma was good too.- a line from Comming to America if you caught it !
Former Persident Bill Clinton. That man denied his little thingy thang till he got caught red handed. Thats my boy !