2nd Annual Fund Raiser
Haruko Smith with Rosario Velasco Lino (concert organizer Tulum,Mexico 06/07), Prof. Conzuelo Lino, Ing. Ernesto Velasco and Inge van Doorn-Cazzoli (September Concert).
Ringing the Closing Bell at the New York Stock Exchange (9/11/07)
Friends and Volunteer get-together photos
The theme song for this year's September Concert sing-along song is:
Let it Be
by the Beatles
Please join in singing at 2pm on September 11th
All concerts adhere to three basic principles: • Freedom: All venues and musicians are free to design and organize their own concerts. • Equality: All music and all musicians are treated equally, regardless of genre or background. • Accessibility: All music is offered free of charge.
The September Concert's goals are: to bring people together, to reaffirm our hope for peace, and to celebrate life and our universal humanity
Please join us in our efforts to become the largest Global People’s Concert, http://www.septemberconcert.org
September Concert
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