JunkeeMonkee.com profile picture


JunkeeMonkee.com a fun place to advertise for FREE

About Me

My profile was customized using the Taming the Beast.net MySpace Layout Generator

I am a 39 yr. old mom of 20 yr old and 5 yr old. Grandma We live in Texas and love camping, fishing, horseback riding, & boating. Love going to big events like craft shows, Car shows, Gun shows, and love to travel to different states.We love animals and have owned horses, monkeys, and other exotic animals as well.We recently sold an eBay advertising auction for $45,100.00 and the winning bidders company DID NOT pay and now we are working on taking this company to court.Planning out another HUGE auction to see if we can run another one and do better than the first one. You can read about it by going to our website at www.junkeemonkee.com and clicking on the cute pink haired girl at the top of the page.

My Interests

eBay, eBay, and more eBay!!! Two Foot Fred and Cowboy Troy, Camping, Boating, Shopping, fishing, hunting, hiking, horses, trail rides, bike riding, outdoors, craft shows, street races, gun shows, & car shows. Love going to theme parks and riding all the roller coasters.Love traveling around the States with my girls.

adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

King Kong, Buddy, Curious George, Boots, and many other famous monkeys. LOL


I Listen to everything- HICK HOP, Country, Rap, Punk, Zydeco, blues, jazz, Rock n Roll etc


Love all movies, but two of my favorites are Just like Heaven and City of Angels.


American Idol, Americas Most wanted


Tuesdays with Morrie


God, Mom, and Grandmother

My Blog

Our 300 White Castle Burger Road Trip over 900 miles one way

OMG we are back from our little road trip to White castle.....All the way from Schulenburg, TX to Wentzville Missouri. It was a fun trip but I will NEVER EVER eat a white castle again in my life. That...
Posted by JunkeeMonkee.com on Sun, 14 May 2006 07:31:00 PST

My Baby Girl

My dad wanted to take me and Gracie fishing at the creek today. Gracie caught a big mud cat and was so excited about catching it. It put up a fight for her and she loved it. Thursday we are going to t...
Posted by JunkeeMonkee.com on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 07:01:00 PST

Darn Computers

I have been working on my computers all day today trying to get them networked and my c.d. burner went out on me so I had to put a new one in. Now I am having problems with one of the puters. I have b...
Posted by JunkeeMonkee.com on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 11:49:00 PST