G L E N profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Heya.. I am Glen..to nail me down to one type of person is not an easy thing. I like variances.They are interesting. My thoughts, beliefs, tastes fit in broad strokes. The middle is vast. I ammulti-faceted. I think that is good. I wouldn't want to be predictable or boring..but hey.. I canbe that too... just cannot predict when..hee hee..... I am different in many ways and have beenthinking more about who I am as I was wondering what to put here. I love people. Yea yea.. Iam not going to break out into a serenade of Kumbaya on you so do not fret..but I do admit Ihave my sappy side too.. hee hee.. I am always fascinated by the goings and comings anddoings of people. Friends, family, co workers...it matters not. I just think people are the mostimportant thing on earth. I do not box in easily. My friends vary. They are mild to wild. I lovethem both. I have a pretty dry sense of humor and I am sure I have raised an eyebrow or twoin my days. I tend to compliment a lot but because I mean it. That's it.. I do not want anythingfor it. So if I do compliment you its because I like that which I have seen in you and wantedsomeone to tell you.I am straight forward.. If I need to say something.. I will. If you need to.. you should... I willlisten. If you don't like something I say or do.. then tell me.. I don't read minds very well.. Itried once... I got a headache and took an aspirin. I don't bite....I play fair, I can bereal social or very shy.. depends on the setting. I enjoy my friends and enjoy my need forsolitude at times too. I am a good friend and trustworthy.

You Are An ENFP

The Inspirer
You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.
You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules.
Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.
You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're quite the storyteller!
You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist. What's Your PersonalityType?

more than others think is safe,

more than others think is wise,

more than others think is practical,

more than others think is possible.

My Interests

I took this photo in May of 2006 in Anchorage Alaska at 12:30 in the morning from my hotel room.. the land of the midnight sun is one of the most breathtaking places ever to visit on earth!

A Hug - The Universal Prescription A Hug ... The Universal PrescriptionNo moving parts, no batteries. No monthly payments and no fees; Inflation proof, non-taxable, In fact, it's quite relaxable;It can't be stolen, won't pollute, One size fits all, do not dilute. It uses little energy, But yields results enormously.Relieves your tension and your stress, Invigorate your happiness; Combats depression, makes you beam, And elevates your self esteem!Your circulation it corrects Without unpleasant side effects It is, I think, the perfect drug: May I prescribe, my friend... the hug!And, of course, fully returnable!

Some favorite
bits in my life

Favorite activities...reading, movies, theater, music, swimming, photography, tennis,travelling, politics, domestic and foreign affairs, gadgety thingies, vintage elecronics,vinyl media, woodworking, dining out, hosting friends, cruises, cool old car design,summer and winter Olympics, NFL, long drives, boating, beaches and ocean. Brown Basmati Rice with butter and black pepper YUUMMM!!/ Peanut M&M's (oooo..sooo addictive)/ Broccoli!! (I must eat my body weight each year)/ Cold Beer in Frozen Mug (no need to explain)/ Iceberg Vodka shaken Martini "dirty" dry with extra olive/ Chilled shrimp and cocktail sauce..heaven!/ A Hawaiian sunset.. (A kiss from God)/ Casual smile from a stranger ( just makes my day)/ Ipod ( Is it becoming a part of our anatomy?)/ Bullet In The Bible by Greenday (Killer concert)/ Marantz 2275 Stereo Receiver... (built like a tank sounds like a symphony)/ TIA's Gourmet Hot Dog, Anchorage (Reindeer! I get the beef though....THE BEST!!)/ Aroma of opening a new coffee can / My Fuzzy kitties Odie and Sara / A phone call from an old friend / My boxes of cards and letters saved over the years/ My leather coats/ Long drives through the country side/ Moonlite snow capped mountains/ THUNDERSTORMS.. mwuahahaha/ a cold juicy meaty peach/ Laughing my ass off and making people laugh their ass off!/ Water spray hitting my face while careening in a boat/ Alone on a beach/Lemme see... what else?? um..um..um..um..um....

Edward Hopper

The best known of Edward Hopper's paintings, Nighthawks (1942), shows the lonelycustomers frequenting a downtown all-night diner. The diner's harsh electric lights set itoff from the gentle night outside. The diners, seated at stools around the counter, aresimilarly isolated from one another, reflecting on themselves.Nighthawks 1942 The Art Institute of Chicago. Friends of American Art Collection, 1942 © 2004 The Art Institute of Chicago, All Rights Reserved

Edward Hopper

Edward Hopper

I'd like to meet:

I just think we have only so much time and life here to live and we need to, not only enjoy it for ourselves, but enjoy each others. We are all different in some way or another. We all hope, dream, feel and want to be happy. I vehemanently oppose anyone who tries to take that away from another. The people I embrace the most share those thoughts too. Just be real.. be honest .. be yourself...I am not pretentious.. you don't need to be rich or famous or some over achiever to get to know me. I am just a regular guy too. I am looking to meet fun and interesting people to have as friends who have passions and interests about the world and life itself.At times.. I surf around seeking new people to meet and I may find something about you I find interesting and send you a little note. I may invite you to be added. If you do the same and you would like to add me..please send a note along with it to say Hi and share something about yourself or what you liked in my profile. Thanks..If you are under 18 years old.. please read.... I personally have nothing against you.. but I do have a personal responsibilty to you and your family and to myself and my family so we will not sharing a place on each others list. I mean no offense..I prefer having older friends. Thanks.

I love a rainy day....


Fall in love or fall in hate.
Get inspired or be depressed.
Ace a test or flunk a class.
Make babies or make art.
Speak the truth or lie and cheat.
Dance on tables or sit in the corner.
Life is divine chaos. Embrace it.
Forgive yourself. Breathe.
And enjoy the ride......


My tastes range from from one x-treme to another.... Green Day, Coldplay, Offspring, AFI, Zero 7, Sister Hazel, Everything But The Girl, ThirdEye Blind, Goo Goo Dolls, KT Tunstall, Scissor Sisters, Venga Boys, Madonna,Nirvana, No Doubt, Dido, Enya, Jeff Buckley, Jack Johnson, Collective Soul, DeathCab for Cutie, Elbow, Puddle Of Mudd, Maroon 5, Staind, Erasure, Depeche Mode,INXS, Duran Duran, Tears For Fears, David Bowie, Beatles, Rolling Stones, MoodyBlues, Matchbox Twenty, Led Zepplin, Cher, Dave Matthews Band, Dixie Chicks,Eminem, Fleewood Mac, Carly Simon, Sade, The Doors, Billy Joel, R.E.M., TheEagles, Queen, Elton John, ABBA, Pet Shop Boys, Billie Idol, Blondie, Bon Jovi, RodStewart, Pink Floyd, Bare Naked Ladies, Stevie Nicks, U2

"I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies..
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives....on holiday" Green Day

"Pick me up!, oh, from the bottom..
Up to the top, love, Everyday" Dave Matthews Band



Breakfast At Tiffany's, Sunset Boulevard, Shawshank Redemption, Schindler's List,Talented Mr. Ripley, Saved, Ferris Beullers's Day Off, To Kill A Mockingbird, All AboutEve, Rent, Brokeback Mountain, Latter Days, National Lampoons Vacation Movies..especially Christmas Vacation, Pirates Of The Caribbean, Titanic, African Queen, Amadeus,Rocky Horror Picture Show, Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion, EddieIzzard-Dress To Kill, Shark Tale, Wizard Of Oz, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, KissMe Guido, The Phantom Of The Opera, Wedding Crashers, The Fourty Year Old Virgin,Meet The Parents, Meet The Fokkers, Zoolander, There's Something About Mary, LordOf The Rings Trilogy, Young Frankenstein, Matrix, Sound Of Music, With Honors, TheMotorcycle Diaries, Capote, Crash, Glengarry Glenross, Rudy, A Beautiful Mind, Pay ItForward, American Pie 1&2, and American Wedding, Real Genius, First Wives Club,Chicago, Aliens(all), The Birdcage, Phone Booth, Batman The Beginning, Misery,Dolores Claiborne, Fargo, Raising Arizona, Ruthless People, Big Business, BeverlyHills Cop (all), Trading Places, Moonstruck, Forrest Gump, Bend It Like Beckham,Finding Nemo, Gladiator, The Trip, Pearl Harbor, Runaway Jury, Cruel Intentions,Breakfast Club, Back To The Future (all), Star Wars (all)and many more.

Twist and Shout
Ferris Beuller's Day Off



I could say I am not much of a Television person but I do try to catch Jon Stewart's Daily Show, Stephen Colbert's Colbert Report, Real Time with Bill Mahr. Top Chef and Project Runway for no thinking TV, and I enjoy HBO specials, Discovery Channel, History Channel, A&E and Bravo.. CNN for the news if I must.. I think cable news is crap.. its info-tainment.. at best.. Not into sitcoms or TV dramas.. I was watching LOST but the show is off and on faster than a hookers panties so my interest is becoming LOST!!



Just been catching up on classics.. George Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm, onto J.D. Salinger "Catcher In The Rye" and enjoy Autobiographies and politcal books.





Eddy - "You cannot give these sort of clothes to the poor! Don'tthey have enough to contend without suffering the humiliation of wearing last season's?"From the episode - Birth
Patsy -"Neat? She was so anally retentive she couldn't sit down forfear of sucking up the furniture!"From the episode - New Best Friend

Patsy and Eddy
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun




I could be a tall, dark and handsome hunk ofmuscular, masculine marvel... my abs tight and shiny fromsweat beads pouring down my HOT heathing chest! Lookup into my eyes.. all deep with hunger crying out.. beggingfor you to come *hither*......REICHEN LEHMKUHLGABRIEL MACHT

My Blog

10 Random Things About Me and 2 More..

I usually like to ask others about themselves but here goes.. 1. I was the first born to my mom and dad on my fathers's birthday. I was also born on the same day and same year as Billy Idol.. Nov 25, ...
Posted by Glen on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 05:49:00 PST

October Surprise in the Strait of Hormuz?

I have been following this story off and on since last month when an article was published in The Nation magazine. On October 2nd, a deployment of a highly armed and ready to strike group of ships wi...
Posted by Glen on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 08:25:00 PST

White House Dissing Evengelical Leaders?

I have read many books on Bush's relationship with the evangelical groups and most have spoken of his lack of true fondness for them. However, he does enjoy having them in his voter base..I also took ...
Posted by Glen on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 01:37:00 PST

A Dry Spell and Foleygate...

Ever go through a time when you just feel like you are in cruise control and not really absorbing things? Like you are going through motions without even thinking all day.. Well I am there and I am he...
Posted by Glen on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 04:16:00 PST

Commerical with a twist...

This commercial was created for Guiness beer but never made run time here in the United States. It was eventually scrapped for fear of causing more loss of beer sales then gaining. It did run in a few...
Posted by Glen on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 04:36:00 PST

In Memory of Steve Irwin

Today I am saddened by the tragic loss of Steve Irwin. Sometimes I feel loss of a public figure more deeply than others. It's when I realize how much they have been a positive influence in my life and...
Posted by Glen on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 08:01:00 PST

Everything Is Possible

I believe day to day there are glints of wisdom and good thoughts that cross our paths. Either by a newspaper article or a thoughtful message from a televison show.. It could be an email from a friend...
Posted by Glen on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 07:37:00 PST

What Maya Angelou has learned

I received this message of wisdom and humor from a close friend today in my email. I have always loved the writings of Maya Angelou.. so I wanted to share with you these awesome nuggets of gold.... En...
Posted by Glen on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 05:45:00 PST

U.N. chides U.S. on gay rights

NATIONAL NEWS | washingtonblade.comU.N. chides U.S. on gay rights Efforts sought to combat job discrimination, hate crimesBy JOSHUA LYNSEN Aug. 02, 2006U.S. officials must do more to protect gay citiz...
Posted by Glen on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 05:01:00 PST

Wear Sunscreen

Wear Sunscreen. Wear sunscreenIf I could offer you only one tip for the.future, sunscreen would be it..The long-term benefits of sunscreen have.been proved by scientists,.whereas the rest of myadvice ...
Posted by Glen on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 03:16:00 PST