Well, about me? Hmm theres not much to say about me really. I'm a car mad nutter, that about sums me up. At the moment I'm spending every penny on my two Skylines and feck me they swallow up the pounds and pence! I'm continually skint at the end of every month because of them. Ah well, they are kickass though.
Plans for 2007... well this R324 Drift car I'm building is set to take me across Europe it seems both competitively and for car shows. Its built for the sole purpose of being driven and driven hard so if I'm up to the task of driving it like that I'll be able to compete in the 2007 European Drift Championship and maybe, maybe take the car to the States towards the end of the year... but that depends entirely on whether I can drive the car as well as it should be driven.
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