"Hey it's Darby!" profile picture

"Hey it's Darby!"


About Me

It is the large dogs that are quieter while the small dogs make up for their size with their obnoxious bark.I am a man of adventure that loves life and lives life to the fullest. I am high ambitious with high expectations to achieve what I am setting out to do. I am a strong, sophisticated man with lots of class. I am spiritually minded and have a strong faith in God but do not like churchy people. I love to have fun and love people who can laugh at themselves and life and yet have the ability for a meaningful positive conversation. Sometimes I get real loud so get over it don't tell me to shoosh. Sometimes I am quietly in the corner paying attention to the slightest details of my environment and you think something is wrong but it's just me planning on ruling the world. I believe it is important to watch who we associate with I am cordial with strangers and keep my friends close. You know you become those who your surround yourself with. You can apply to be one of the beautiful people that I hang out with and you might just get an interview. :)Sometimes people think I am being too picky with my taste and I don't mind that why settle for second best. Please if you are going to write me make it personal. I don't like fake people. I do not like friend request to those who don't try to message me beforehand.After reading this you probably love me (be quiet haters). You can't help yourself. I know before you read this profile didn't believe in love at first sight till now. Yeah I see you smiling.I am an artist that believes everyone at one time or another has been creative and it just lies dormant within you. I believe we all have great callings and purpose but some people just don't know it. Some people don't live in their uniqueness. It's your choice to live in your uniqueness or just go with the crowd. I have an insatiable desire to see the world and want to meet people of all nations, tribes and tongues.Career wise I am right now I am working on my training program. Planning a tour with my consulting business. I have international plans. If you are like minded and want to meet sometime let's have coffee and get to know each other.You better be careful I might be the guy your mom warned you about.

My Interests

I love books on the supernatural. Do you believe in ghost? Or do you think they are spirits of another kind?Tattooing, faux painting, and sculpting. I love to write short stories and poetry. I also collect quotes and stories if you would ever be so kind send me some.

I'd like to meet:

People that won't stalk me. Creepy! Sometimes I just want to be treated like a regular guy not a GQ model. Love me for my mind not for my body.I love creative thinking people. I love all styles of art especially surrealism and cubism. I would love to meet tattoo artist, dancers, thesbians, photographers, painters, writers, filmakers, musicians. I am also interested in networking with career minded individuals with a desire to change the world for the better.You need to watch this video down below. You might want some tissues. It's a beautiful video.


Many different styles but I especially love The Sounds, The Killers I also love Jimmy Eat World, Amelia's Jacket, David Crowder, Mates Of State, The Anniversary, and Gnarles Barkely. Styles include rock, reggae, rap, reggaeton, classical etcI especially love music to shake my butt to.


28 Days Later (love the cinematography) , Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, and some indie stuff. Stranger Than Fiction, Shawshank Redemption, Liar Liar and Amelia. Matchstick Men, Oceans Eleven, The Italian Job, Catch Me If You Can, Bourne Ultimatum, Goodfellas, Casino, Godfather, A Bronx Tale, Goonies, The Princess Bride, Big Trouble in Little China, Officespace, Magnolia, Gangs of New York, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, Unforgiven, Outlaw Josey Wales,12 Monkeys, Fight Club, American Movie, Back to the Future, Snatch Boondock Saints, Garden State, and Carlito's Way


I like to watch myself on television.Occasionally I will watch The Office and Current tv.


I love psychology and there are other subject of interest why don't we chat sometime. Ask me. I am not easy ya know. I don't want to flaunt myself too easily.Just a little random quote. "What did you do as a child thatmade the hours pass like minutes?Herein lies the key to yourearthly pursuits." --Carl JungThis is amazing-----------new tech for grafitti artist


When I look at myself in the mirror I start clapping chanting "Hercules", "Hercules"!Urban Art

My Blog

Jesus Saves Boy in Desert

--> -->A 9-year-old boy looking for help after his mother crashed their van in the southern Arizona desert was rescued by a man entering the U.S. illegally, who stayed with him until help arrived the...
Posted by "Hey it's Darby!" on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 01:23:00 PST