Since my youth Christ reached out his hand and called me to be his. I am not perfect but always perfected by his blood. Fell in love with music but didnt like playing any instruments, so thus began the journey into hip hop. I thought hip hop was a perfect tool to speak Gods truth through music. Never attempted to make it big, I just want to be an option for people that are tired of hearing meatless songs.I am currently working full time and interning at a production studio. I recently moved back to L.A. from El Paso, Texas. I am a certified recording engineer (Attended LA Recording Workshop in North Hollywood). My vision is to open up or work with an independent company focused on bringing the truths of God to our current generation in a manner that speaks its language. I am going to attend a Film/Video Production School in hopes that it will help me in my career goals. God has greatly been a part of my life and has done a lot of work in me for the past couple of years. I strongly feel that now I am where he wants me to be. Like all of us we need to live by faith and put everything into God’s hands. The hope for my life is that God will use me to be a blessing to others. I hope that I can contribute to his kingdom in some way. I am at a place where I want to meet new people that share the same passion and heart for Jesus Christ. I need to surround myself with people like that! So I am open to talk and even throw out some prayers! If you live in the Los Angeles area check out our hip hop worship services held once a month! For info go to am not perfect and neither is the music
PROGRESS Album Out!Currently I am working on my second album. Big ups to Humble Modesto, MMT, and DJ Elder for production! They are doing their thing! I am always open to getting down on other people’s songs. If you’re looking for someone to spit some bars for you feel free to ask! Hip Hop is my way to communicate and vent the ills that life brings. So I am always in the mood to put some lyrics over a beat.Oh yea DONT FORGET to check out Headz Up Ministries @!!!!!!!!