THE kevin profile picture

THE kevin

There's music playing, but we dance to the beat of our own black hearts...

About Me

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My Interests

i am not interested.

I'd like to meet:

a girl so sad that she makes me happy.


the cure is my favorite band.

i've been listening to a lot of:
jose gonzalez
jeff buckley
cold war kids
the used
bloc party


my favorite actors are johnny depp, jim carrey & adam sandler.
my favorite actress is keira knightley
my favorite directors are tim burton & kevin smith.
i also adore pretty much all of the disney movies (well, the cartoons at least).


i (mostly) only watch tv on dvd.


i just finished reading the children of hurin by j.r.r. tolkien...not quite sure what i'm gonna start next.


my grandparents are my heroes. i love them more than ANYTHING.