I was born in Edmonton, Alberta back in the 80's and moved to British Columbia in the early 90's to my horror and dismay. Although, now I love B.C. and wouldn't move back to Alberta for anybody.
My favorite person in the world is my one and only older brother, Dennis; although, I think he might be leaving me for his girlfriend... I don't blame him (I'm annoying).
Anyway, I've lived in B.C. for most of my life and went to school on Vancouver Island at the University of Victoria. I finished my degree with a major in English literature and a minor in Philosophy (Applied Ethics). I love philosophy but I just didn't have the motivation to finish a major in it as well. And, in my naive state in 2nd year I thought that English would be a more useful major... but it's not....
Now, I'm trying to get into law school but considering scrapping that plan for a year or so to move abroad just to be closer to my buddy Sarah (don't tell my mom). Just kidding. Kind of. I fell in love with London when I was visiting but felt that my two weeks there were tragically short, so I would love to go back! The fact that Sarah is there is icing on the cake... no... maybe more like 1/4 of the actual cake plus the icing (she's that special).
Right now I'm just looking for a real job after my 1.5 month hiatus in Ghana and London, and tutoring English to a bunch of ESL kids that are none too happy that I came back.
And that's my life in the longest form possible ;)