Well, I'm from Portugal and I'm nineteen years old.
I love music, I'm really addicted to it, but only Rock , Punk and Metal of course. I take a lot of lessons and advices from the songs I listen. I also like cinema, photograph and sports, mostly.
I'm a nice guy, I like to be in my corner with my stuff, without anyone boring me. It's hard to piss me off, and when someone does it… Well, nothing happens (lol) what is bad for me but whatever...
I follow the 'straight edge' way of life and I'm lil' bit egocentric, not in a obsessive way, I just like to think in myself first, but I'm not selfish! I hate liers and fucking posers!!
I have a girlfriend, which is the most important person in my life, she is the most perfect being I have ever met :D Well, I just love her... eheh
I collect guitar picks and other music memorabilia, check out the blogs or my website for more info.
I do some graphic design and street team work to help out the bands I like and the bands that need, I do it for the love for music and as an hobby... Check out my other MySpace My Project 13 Productions
And that's all :)[email protected] My personal Website