FieryRedHalo profile picture


your sins into me oh my beautiful one ....

About Me

Humans are such strange creatures, to be capable of kindness beyond that of angels, to deeds that would put a demon to shame... Female
2000 light years away
Somewhere in the Milky Way
Last Login: Yesterday!
This is me :) I'm a geek, I'm a single mom, a small town girl, very down to earth, very caring towards others, always go out of my way to not hurt someone elses feelings and always putting everyone elses feelings ahead of my own ...I love my family and friends more then anything else in the world I may not tell them this often enough but I do... my family and friends are the most important people in the world to me even people that I've never actually met but talk to on a daily basis, I'm loyal, passionate, I love music, art, theater and reading. I don't know what else to write so I'll just leave it at that and people can draw their own conclusions. :)
Your True Sign Is Scorpio
Easily Obsessed
Full of Charisma
Universally Attractive
Possesive and Passionate
What's Your True Sign? (heh... I am a scorpio :))
How You Are In Love
You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.
You tend to give more than take in relationships.
You need your space and privacy. You don't like to be smothered.
You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.
You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard. How Are You In Love? (wow that's pretty accurate...)
You Are a Dreaming Soul
Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this world
So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time
You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all...
But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult
You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you.
Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses.
Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others.
Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.
Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul, Prophet Soul, and Traveler Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?
Your Love Style is Agape
You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner.Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare.You are willing to sacrfice your world for your sweetie.Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you.For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love. What's Your Love Style?
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Zodiac Sign:: Scorpio
Gender:: Female
Orientation:: Straight
Marital Status:: single
Children:: yep 2
Education:: yes lots
Occupation:: PC geek
Smoke:: unfortunately yes
Drink:: not often
Religion:: Spiritual
Ethnicity:: White
~~INTERESTS~~ (Give Some Detail)
Books:: The Hobbit, Lord of the rings, The Illiad, The Oddessy
Cultural:: Art, Music, Theater
Hobbies:: Reading, Theater...when I have the time
Internet:: wouldn't want to be without it !
Movies:: all kinds :)
Music:: ditto !
Politics:: No thanks
Television:: I don't watch too much
Travel:: when I can get away
~~PERSONALITY TRAITS~~(Give Some Detail)
Introvert OR Extrovert:: A bit more introverted then I'd like to be
Conversational OR Direct:: I'm not as direct as I wish I was :(
Serious OR To The Point:: I try and be to the point
Creative OR Logical Thinker:: both !
Outspoken OR Reserved:: A bit on the reserved side
Optomist OR Pecimist:: An eternal Optomist !
Talker OR Listener:: both !
Risk Taker OR Responsible:: Responsible for the most part
Spontaneous OR Planner:: a little of both
Challenge Me OR Make It Simple:: Challenge me ! I discovered I love being around people that can push me to and over my limits ;)
Argumentative OR Agreeable:: a little too agreeable for my own good at times
Open To Suggestion OR Only My Way:: open to suggestion...Always up for compromise !
Happy Go Lucky OR Cautious and Careful:: a little bit of both
Outgoing OR Shy & Quiet:: a little too shy and quiet
~~WOULD YOU RATHER...~~ (Tell Us Why)
Drive A Race Car OR Sky Dive:: drive a race car I'm afraid of heights !
Watch The Movie OR Read The Book:: read the book and THEN watch the movie
Walk On The Beach OR Climb A Mountain:: Walk on the beach ... I love the beach !
Have A Romantic Evening For Two OR Go Out With Friends:: Who says romance is dead ?? Romance all the way !
Dine Out/Order In OR Cook It Yourself:: cook it myself
Debate An Issue OR Change The Subject:: change the subject :P
Ask Someone Out OR Be Asked Out:: to be asked out is divine :) but there's also something to be said for doing the asking :) unless of course you get turned down or blown off then it sucks ...
Be The Center Of Attention OR The Attention Giver:: Definately being the attention GIVER !
Paint A Mural OR Design A Website:: Design a website I'm a geek ;)
Meet Your Soul Mate OR Have Friends With Benefits:: soul mate is such an over rated term ...I'd rather be with someone I love and care about :)
Be In A Relationship OR Be Single:: to be in a relationship
Drive OR Take A Plane To Your Destination:: depends on how far I'm going
Be The Employee OR Own The Company:: own the company !
Plan Out The Weekend OR Go On A Moments Notice:: either way :)
Get That Pesky Task Done OR Wait Until Later:: just get it out of the way now I hate having to worry about things
Do Only What's Required OR Go Above And Beyond:: always going above and beyond for others
Play An .. Game Or Surf The Net For Information: World of warcraft !
Be A Member Of An "Elite" Society/Club OR No Membership Required Club: no memberships !
Send An Annonymous Love Letter OR Make It Known And Sign Your Name: Sign it ... lifes too short !
Have A Structured Day OR A Whatever Happens...Happens Day:: whatever happens happens ! Carpe Diem
Go On A Cruise OR Ski The Swiss Alps:: a cruise ... a tropical one !
See A Movie At The Theater OR Stay Home & Watch It:: stay at home and watch with someone special
Control Your Destiny OR Let It Happen:: just let it happen ...
Pool And Live Band At A Sports Bar/Pub OR Dancing At A Nightclub:: pool and a live band definately
Shop At The Mall OR ..:: why not both
Get Dressed Up OR Wear Jeans & A T-Shirt:: jeans and a tshirt ... more comfortable :)
Live In The City Or The Country:: I love the country thats where I am now
Join A Book Of The Month Club OR Beer Of The Month Club:: book of the month
Go To A Concert OR Theatrical Performance:: depends on who and what it is
Sing For An Audience OR In The Shower/Car:: I've done both but I'd rather sing in the shower or the car :)
Watch Current News & Events OR Entertainment News & Events:: current news and events !
Talk On The Phone Or Chat On The Computer:: who says I can't multitask, actually if I'm talking to someone special they have my undivided attention
Go To A Large Party/Gathering OR A Small Get Together:: small get together
Join A Fitness Club OR Get Pampered At A Spa:: fitness club
Talk About Your Life OR Learn About Someone Elses:: learn about someone elses first
Smile & Say Hi To A Complete Stranger OR Ignore Them & Keep Going:: smile and say hi
Make Eye Contact With Someone You Find Attractive OR Quickly Look Away:: a little of both ...
Ask For Directions When Lost OR Stay Lost Cuz You Know It's Here Somewhere:: depends whos around
Tell Someone How You Feel About Them OR Keep Quiet They Can Figure It Out:: tell someone how I feel ? not for a while, it takes me time to build up that kind of trust, so until I'm comfortable saying how I feel, ... what they don't know can't hurt me
Be Happy With What You Have OR Go After What You Want:: why not have my cake and eat it too :) but if I had to pick one I'm happy enough with what I have instead of chasing the feather in the wind
Try Something New OR Stick To What You Know:: try something new
Judge Someone Solely On Appearance OR Actually Get To Know Them:: get to know them of course
Smile OR Frown:: smile always smile !!
Eat Steak OR Chicken:: steak
Make Life Long Friends OR Just Have Aquaintences:: life long friends
Be A Private Person OR An Open Book:: I'm a private kind of person
~~RELATIONAL~~ (Give Some Detail)
What Do You Look For In A Friend:: my friends are all amazing there wasn't anything specific I looked for just things that I find inspiring !
What Do You Look For In A Lover:: The perfect man is intelligent, creative, fun, open minded, music and an art lover, giving, sexual, passionate, understanding, independent, adventurous, outgoing, opinionated, spirited, not afraid to debate, free sexually, more into substance than appearance, not afraid to admit when they are wrong, honest, not main stream, a little strange, a bit of a rebel, loyal, a communicator who can express themselves clearly, warm, care free, lives for the present, will take love before money, a dreamer.... I want a man who doesn't want to give me the world but who wants to share his world with me ...
What Is The First Thing You Notice About Others:: always notice their eyes first
What Is Your Best Quality:: my heart :P
If You Could Change One Thing About You...What Would You Change:: I'd take more chances and not play things so safe
Do You Posess The Same Qualities You Look For In Others:: some yes some no
Describe Your Idea Of The Perfect Date:: Sitting with them getting to know them talking getting lost in their eyes, smile, arms and kisses :)
What Goal Have You Set For This Year:: get to the gym and get in shape
Do You Prefer To Lead By Example Or Follow Direction Of Others:: depends on the situation
Do You Value Your Relationships With Others:: yes...the people that I care about mean the world to me... they know who they are at least they BETTER
Do You Enjoy Life:: I love it !
Isn't This Survey Fun:: oodles...~~WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME THAT YOU ~~
spun and spun until you fell down? XD:: wow I haven't done that in a really long time
Listened to your favorite music?:: TODAY!!!
Cried?:: it's been a while :)
Laughed?:: today
Hurt someone?:: I try not to I don't know
Talked about someone behind their back?:: I don't unless you count all the good things I say about the people I love
Told someone you loved them?:: well as far as my friends go ... I tell one friend of mine all the time, as far as a relationship, I can't remember, and I would never say it if I didn't mean it
Hugged someone?:: not for a while
Kissed someone?:: not for a while
Wanted to kill someone?:: never
Wanted to badly hurt (but not kill XD) someone?:: sure
Embarrassed yourself?:: wow probably recently :)
Told a secret about yourself?:: a few weeks ago
Told a secret about someone else?:: never that I know of
What was the last....(yes theres a difference between this & the last one)
Word you said?:: WHATEVER....
Food you ate?:: If chocolate counts I just had a Take5 ;)
Song you danced to?:: Weezer : Beverly hills
Song you cried because of?:: Tim McGraw : Don't take the girl
Song you felt happy because of?:: Nine Inch Nails : Closer
Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About You
The Basic Stuff
Zodiac Sign?: Scorpio
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Haircolor?: Red
Eyecolor?: Green
Skin Color?: pale
About You
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?: me and the kids
Any Pets?: not anymore
If So What Are They?: They were ringo and ziggy stardust my ferrets and my dog loki
Favorite Relative?: my cousin david
Least Favorite Relative?: I love them all
What's Your Heritage/Race?: I'm a mutt XD
Political Affilation?: no thank you
Love & Sex
Sexuality?: straight
Are You In A Relationship Now?: nope
If So, With Whom?:
For How Long?:
Are You In Love?:
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?: well yeah lol
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?: no
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?: 14
Virgin?: no
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?: 19
Was It Enjoyable?: it wasn't bad
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?: I haven't tested that limit yet
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?: my neck *sigh*
Best Love Quote?: fate dertermines who comes into our lives the heart determines who stays...
Your Friends
Best?: I can't pick just one they are all amazing
How Many Do You Have?: 8 that are close to me the rest are all just aquainted
More Guys Or Girls?: split even
Love Them All?: definately
Any You Wish You Were Closer To?: Definately
Oldest?: Paula
Newest?: Chris
Pen Pal?: James
Friends And Words: Associate Them
Pen: James
Flower: Jacs
Pink: Paula
Window: Chris LOL
Heart: all of them
Mother: Paula
Bread: Paula for some strange reason
Insane: Brett
Sunglasses: Bridgette
Pimp: Jacs and that would be pimpette ;)
Cross: Johnny
Lonely: hmmm I hope none of them are
Car: Jacs
Music: Brett
This Or That
Boxers or Briefs?: boxers ... black ones :)
Thongs or G-Strings?: see above answer
Shorts or Pants?: old worn out jeans
Shoes or Barefeet?: barefoot always !
Books or Movies?: books
Night or Day?: both....the warmth of the sun and the beauty of the night sky...
Dark or Light?: both
Mountains or Beach?: the beach
Snow or Sun?: love the sun
Pepsi or Coke?: dr pepper ... then coke :)
Guys or Girls?: guys
Swim or Surf?: neither
For or Against
Gay Marriage?: all for it
Abortion?: not for me but it should be my right to choose
Bush Getting Re-elected?: hell no
Suicide?: not an option
War?: no way
Pants?: depends on the situation somtimes they are called for other times I could do without them
Clothes In General?: same as above
Penises?: just one I'm not greedy ;)
Color?: Green
Number?: 13
Holiday?: Halloween/de los muertos/Christmas
Season?: summer
Movie?: too many to pick just one
Book?: the oddessy my cousin dave bought it for me :)
Magazine?: don't really have one
Food?: italian
Drink?: Raspberry Merlot
TV Show?: I don't watch much tv
Song?: Closer by nine inch nails
Band?: ever? the beatles
Computer Game?: world of warcraft
Video Game?: final fantasy
Anime/Manga?: some of it is amazing
Shirt?: my devil shirt
Pants?: old beat up jeans
Actor?: Steve Buscemi
Actress?: don't really have one
Singer?: Sheryl Crow
Flower?: Tiger Lily
Scent?: Auric blends oil ... magick
Animal?: Ferrets
Cookie?: chocolate chip :)
The Future
Want To Go To College?: been there
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: I don't want to
Want To Get Married?: maybe someday
Want To Have Kids?: already have them
What Would Their Names Be?: too late
How Many?: 2
Where Do You Want To Live?: anyplace ? not sure
Where Do You Want To Get Married?: I don't want to at the moment
How Do You Want To Die?: peacefully and painlessly in my sleep
More Stuff About You
Piercings?: yes a few ...nose belly button, ears
Tattoos?: several
Smoke?: unfortunately
Drink?: not often
Do Drugs?: no
Skinny Dip?: not anymore
Greatest Fear?: Water, Clowns and spiders... or clowns in the water with spiders strapped all over them
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate
Go To Church?: no
Religion?: Spiritualist
Scars?: a few
CDs Owned?: 40 ish
Collections?: nothing offhand
Like To Be Naked?: only when the occasion calls for it
Ever Eaten Sushi?: not brave enough to try it .. yet
An Entire Case Of Oreos?: no
Been On Stage?: yep in my underwear
Danced In The Rain?: every freaking chance I get !!!!!
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?: well not in a sexy way
Weirdest Dream?: being in a place that reminded me of besaid and going to a concert
Best Dream?: The one I had the other night !
Saddest Dream?: losing a child
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?: The one I had the other night .... definately would love for that one to come true !
Think You're Attractive?: not really
Shoplifted?: no but I like Janes addiction been caught stealing
Been Caught "Doing Something"?: depends on what you mean by doing something...I've been caught doing various somethings ...
Weirdest Makeout Place?: haven't found a weirdest place ...yet
Like Thunderstorms?: love them
Favorite Shoes?: none :)
Favorite Quote?: I have many :) but one of them is whoever said the sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain
Best Advice Given?: follow your head
Worst Advice Given?: follow your heart
Favorite Song Lyric?: I see hell in your eyes, Taken in by surprise, touching you makes me feel alive, touching you makes me die inside, I've slept so long without you .....
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?: "I kept the right ones out .... let the wrong ones in ...."
Glad This Is Over?: definately :)

My Interests

I love music, art, theater, passionate people, magic, astronomy (I love stargazing and watching the meteor showers) I love final fantasy (another guilty pleasure although I don't get much of a chance to play and I love the storylines

Just made this ... yes it is a bit angsty ... squall was always my favorite character ...but I do tend to beat the hell out of the poor guy don't I ? ..I made this video for fun I just like playing around with stuff like this it keeps my mind busy sorry there wasn't a happy ending to it but I wasn't in a happy ending kind of mood ...

Introducing David Zanthor...he truly is FANTASTICO! J'adore le maître des rêves:(I adore the master of dreams)

I'd like to meet:

The perfect man is intelligent, creative, fun, open minded, music and an art lover, giving, sexual, passionate, understanding, independent, adventurous, outgoing, opinionated, spirited, not afraid to debate, free sexually, more into substance than appearance, not afraid to admit when they are wrong, honest, not main stream, a little strange, a bit of a rebel, loyal, a communicator who can express themselves clearly, warm, care free, lives for the present, will take love before money, a dreamer.... I want a man who doesn't want to give me the world but who wants to share his world with me ...

What Sexy Is...


The Beatles, George Harrison, Thomas Dolby, Ghost of the Robot, Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, Peeping Tom, Eminem, Alanis, The Grateful Dead, Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Faith No More, Queen, Nirvana, Soundgarden, 30 Seconds to Mars (hey its Jared Leto all that AND he can sing !),Guns n Roses, The Doors, Green Day, Orgy, Frank Zappa, Panic! at the disco, The Talking Heads, The Clash, My Chemical Romance, The Fray, Kill Hannah, Three Days Grace, Pink Floyd, Mr. Bungle (along with anything else that Mike Patton just turns to gold :)), Garth Brooks, actually almost anything :)

Mike Patton...It should be illegal for one man to be so damn amazing

and he's why I loved Faith No More :)

This song did it for me ...the warm disney fuzzy feeling ...gone, instead shivers up my spine and a general feeling of dread replaced it...oh how I love marilyn for that (although the shivers up my spine might just be from the pure sexiness of his voice ;))This is the new shit...

and of course one of my all time favorites Nine Inch Nails Closer :)


Japanese horror movies...Ju-On the curse, Ju-On the grudge, The Premonition, Labyrinth, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, A Christmas Story, starship troopers, the crow, starwars (most of them anyway episode one was a bit boring)sleepless in seattle, armageddon, Dogma, city of angels (that made me cry)Lord of the rings (all of them), The Rock, Die Hard (all of them), The Wedding Singer, Happy Gilmore, Tommy Boy, Kingdom Hospital (even though this was more a made for tv miniseries and I didn't care for it when I first watched it, I recently watched it again and really enjoyed it I guess some things deserve a second chance !) Pee Wees big adventure XD...I love movies as much as I love music and in both I like when they make me feel...make me smile, laugh, cry, get a chill up my spine ... just make me feel something !


don't really watch too much tv but when I do I watch things liks CSI, Ghost Hunters, The Dead Zone and the simpsons (another guilty pleasure)
Be Sure to check out The Dead Zone on USA network :)


I haven't had much of a chance to read lately... but I love reading, science fiction and fantasy, I loved the hobbit and the lord of the rings, the chronicles of narnia, stories about greek mythology, and anything by Edgar Allan Poe...


anyone who inspires me to be a better person I have a few heroes : Jacs she's just such a free spirit, Johnny (Aquavoda) has a heart of pure gold he's so caring and just a beautiful person, Chris, well he's just sexy as hell ! brains, talent and the epitome of what I think sexy is :), Marko (always outnumbered never outskilled) he's always quick with a sweet wish, a funny story, and has a personality (to match those muscles of his !) Bret is a talented artist as well as a talented musician I'm jealous ! They are all so unique, talented, spirited, and amazing that they are my heroes....

My Blog

Help Find Madeline ...

I just posted a bulletin about this but just in case nobody really reads those things I'm putting it here (if anyone reads this...) I'm asking my friends for a favor...those who know me know that I do...
Posted by FieryRedHalo on Sun, 13 May 2007 08:10:00 PST

For Pete !

I have a friend on my list Pete ... he's an amazing talent and since he's my friend I'm going to give him a little shameless promotion here so go check out his movie here :
Posted by FieryRedHalo on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 06:35:00 PST

tell the ones close to you ....

what is it about someone that you can find unforgettable ? what is it about them the stays in your mind, that makes you miss them when they are gone ? why is it when one person is gone you give them a...
Posted by FieryRedHalo on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 07:28:00 PST

The Sweetest thing :)

This happened yesterday I thought it was cute :)...I went into a store near work to pick up some stuff for my boss, when I got in there, there was a little girl and she desperately wanted this little ...
Posted by FieryRedHalo on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 06:06:00 PST