I'd like to meet people who are aware of the World and base their opinions on facts and not feelings. At this critical time in history, the people of the United States need to get more active about what our Nation is doing.I'd like to meet people who are more interested in the EVIL that is running our Country than they are about celebrities of the arts and sports.If you don't know anything about Karl Rove, Tom DeLay, Jack Abramoff, and the countless other Republican criminals running our country, and their policies that have made the United States the most hated nation in the World, then you are living in a bubble and it's very close to bursting.The Citizens of the United States need to protest this war and the Bush Administration in the numbers that we saw in Los Angeles when people protested the current immigration reform issues.__________________________________________ This is the man who brought integrity back to the Oval Office? He shows the Country what he thinks of US after the second stolen Presidential Election. A man of religion and morals....what a joke. .. width="425" height="350" ..MONEY TRUMPS PEACE IN AMERICA!!!Here's Bush answering a question about O'Sama Bin Laden. He states, "I don't know where he is, to tell you the truth, I don't spend much time on him". OBVIOUSLY!!!!! CAN WE IMPEACH THIS BASTARD YET? __________________________________________FEAR!!!FEAR!!!FEAR !!!FEAR!!!!TERROR!!!TERROR!!!TERROR!!!TERROR!!!! ARE WE DONE WITH THE POLITICS OF FEAR & TERROR YET? __________________________________________HERE IS A MAN WITH INTEGRITY: __________________________________________ Patriotic Homecoming****By Dave Hogerty aka OtisGreen**** A United States Marine Major is welcomed home by his wife and young children on July 4th weekend, 2005, at Hartford, Connecticut's, Bradley International Airport.He and his family are the lucky ones from his deployment. Unfortunately, our soldiers are being abused by being sent back to Iraq 3 & 4 times or until they come home like this...
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