KITTI MONSTERâ„¢[PD/IS] profile picture


DONT HATE! I Invented, Inventing things!

About Me

My Devi.Art!

oh Yes! I do look hott on and off my space.
Sew me up doctor!lol

Clowning around!

Check it out! I won!!!


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Comment's Here
Dear Kitti,

My Amazing'z

My Interests

Just so everyone know's...
I AM abusive.

If you can't take a few hitt's....
than we probably wont get a long.

I'm what they call a ditzy blond with a sharp tongue
People always tell me
"I look Porcelain"
They love my make-up.
That I never have the same hair
My nails are beautiful
that I spend too much on books
and that they love me?!-_-
About Kitti
My Name Is Randi Monster.
(lmao, AJ)
*before anyone knew my name.*
(talk about old school)

My Birth date is
June 17th 1986
That makes me a Gemini
and a Tiger.
It's not a great mix.
If you follow that kind a stuff.

I've ALWAYS wished
I was born in the year of the Cat.
Even though he's not allowed in the Zodiac.

My B/f buy's me platinum and diamonds
but that's NOT why I love him.

I change my hair more often than you.
FACT! challenge me if you think I'm a liar..

I wear too much black eye shadow.

I LOVE Disney movies

People Always tell me I'm funny....
but I hardly ever joke around 0_o

I don't like awkward moments.
(hearing about you wanting to kill yourself)
just do it, quit bothering me.

I hate Shots

I make fun of people
behind their back
and I wont hesitate to admit
to what I said.

I'm Very cat like, Friend's would agree.
I'll take it personally when you say you don't like cats

I'm Quiet, Shy and lovely
but you'll never see that side of me.
I'd rather be snotty, mean and loud.

I'm brutally truthful.
deal with it.
or go the fuck away.

I love being in and taking photo's
it's just a hobby.

I'll be the biggest bitch you'll
ever meet, If I haven't
Ate or If I've been Drinking
not that I'm nice anyway.

I'm Hypoglycemic.
I do pass out often.

I love the color's Periwinkle
and Neon Green.

I sound like a lil kidd.
and I'm told I look like one too.

Any girl under 95 pounds I'm sorry for.
Any girl over 140 has a problem.

I'm allergic to metal and silver.
so all my bling..
Yeah, It's real.

I collect glow bracelets.
I get one every time I go
to Sea world.
I have over 50.

About me



Die already!

Ask me how to
make moving photo's

Ask me for my number or s/n

Send me hate mail..
I don't like making
children cry.

get sad because
I'm too truthful

Kitti and Tony *9-11-06*

I believe in Destiny.
You an I we're meant to be.

Babies lil Traitor3 lol


oh.. I'm serious. lol

My Blog

<3Tony and Kitti<3

My EVERYTHING.********************************Monster ...
Posted by KITTI MONSTER"[PD/IS] on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 08:43:00 PST

Meez Me

Me in a nutshell lmao...
Posted by KITTI MONSTER"[PD/IS] on Tue, 22 May 2007 08:48:00 PST

Just me ranting

"popularity"People treat you differently but I haven't changed because of that.I'm a very quiet, cold, mean person; I've always been like that,but I've grown a lot and I know now that I in the past wa...
Posted by KITTI MONSTER"[PD/IS] on Wed, 16 May 2007 06:30:00 PST

10 things I hate about you.

I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair.I hate the way you drive my car.I hate it when you stare.I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind.I hate you so much...
Posted by KITTI MONSTER"[PD/IS] on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 06:45:00 PST