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Join Our Effort! Money provided by law simply has not kept up with what a higher education costs today, let alone what college will cost in years to come. Remember, these children are the direct descendants of people who died protecting our country. Their parents made the ultimate sacrifice. The least we can do is make sure they are provided for. We need your help to make The American Legion’s American Legacy Scholarship a reality. Too many men and women in uniform have died in the fight to preserve our nation’s freedoms. Together, we can make sure their children have the opportunity these parents were unable to provide. We encourage you to give generously to The American Legacy Scholarship Fund. Help us to bridge the gap and restore the faith of these special children. How You Can Help: You can make a tremendous difference by holding dedicated “American Legacy†rides, drives, and charity runs this spring and summer in your own community, and forwarding the proceeds to National Commander Paul A. Morin ’s Legacy Run Scholarship Fund. Your Riders or Legion members can also implement a local “LEGACY CARD CAMPAIGN†by selling Legacy Cards to family, friends, SAL, and Auxiliary, as well as local merchants to display and sell as a public service. A small committee of two or three Riders, visiting every bike shop and dealership in the area, can easily raise hundreds of dollars with each kit. You get: 400 paper Legacy Cards Project Guide and complete instructions Table Top Display Legacy Scholarship Poster href="http://www.htmate.com/gen/scroll/"
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