MUSIK, BOOKS, GRAFFITI, ART, Poetry and MIND BENDING SUBSTANCESWhat if life only lasted a day,
Do you think we'd appreciate it better?
What if life was like hell,
Do you think we would dream
About a life like we have now?
What if in life we had everything,
Do you think it would get boring?
Why want another life?
Your life is perfect already
The Dragon that so many people have been chasing for so many years. I hope to have good conversation with him.
Lego Junkies Vol.1
Is a thing of the past,
It rots ya fucking brain cells!
get with the times
"Margrave of the Marshes" by John Peel (R.I.P)Mr Nice - Howard Marks
My Mother - for putting up with all my shit as a child and bringing me into this world.... 10/10 for my Mum!