a person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly... if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.
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someone once said 'start at the very beginin, its a very good place to start.' i say bollocks where is the fun in that. would pulp fiction be as good in cronalogical order? don't know, its probably an extra on the special edition dvd! thinkin time takes up alot of time some say too much. i don't say enough of what i think or feel, bottle it up and miss my turn, speakin from the heart can do so much and cause so much trouble, 'think before you speak' speak before you think? flip a coin and youve taken too long. ask too many questions you begin to annoy, put your things back where you found them and treat others as you wish to be. all advise, good or bad. have i lost again what i thought i had found or am i to try again. i nprid edo we lose what we should gain for things we fear will be lost to us from outside views. something tainted and publicly mared will for ever be cast aside for no other reason than that of fools ego! can we live like this? not sure i can lose such warmth and carin for such silly hurt. on the other hand once (now numerous times) burnt twice shy. seems very fittin but shallow. there is mid life crisis so why not quasi life crisis or the correct equivilant whatever correct said equvilant may be. are we destined to ruin our our future, mankind i mean not specifically you or i, did cave men have sleepless mights over how many mamoths they owned or who his cave women was talkin to and what was goin on in their future. i for one don't believe so but not bein a historian i am not able to give a educated answer to this. it just seems to me that we have, through the power and evil of media, made it so much harder for ourselves to live a happy care free existance. we seem to lost track of whats really important. getting lost in the moment, laughing so hard you cry when all around you are straight faced. eattin too many sweets and feelin ill. sharin a beautiful sunset or dancing in the pourin rain. drinkin till you can't see or getting so of your face that the only thing that stops you prangin out is you friend by your side feelin the same way. that hill you push your bike to the top of and dare your self to ride down. the feelin of a clean warm bed when your so tired your eyes won't stay open. the exitement and antsipation of a clean sheet of paper and a sharp pencil, that first cuddle in a mornin or the sight of those sparkly eyes last thing at night. these are things that make life worth livin cos if your lucky enough to grow old and grey no amount of money or any shiney objects are going to make you as safe and happy when you fade away like the wonderful memories of the loved ones you keep and the times you spent laughing and bein silly. so i say bollocks to convention, bollocks to saving up for that new pair of shoes youve had your eye on for weeks enjoy the things that make you happy, the memoriies that flood back when you hear that song, the sound of an old friends voice, the smell of old books, walking on crispy leaves, gettin pissed and playin the fool, poking small dogs with sticks... whatever floats ya boat. when you find yourself standin in the middle of the street wondering how and why you got there, like noone can see you, and nothin makes sence anymore. if i could be any where i'd be in 5A waitin for you to hurry back, after an hour of uni, listernin to yeah yeah yeahs in bed with no evil pillows, i'll find my self havin a wierd moment of clarity. one day your a kid wondering what you'll be when you grow up. this seems such a long way away, you think it might never come then you wake up and your ment to be an adult takin care of youself... the scary first day of school suddly doesn't seem so bad.