I split most of my free time between training in the gym and playing on my computer. I got my first PC in the early 90's and promptly took it apart to see how it worked. I've built most of my own machines since then. I also have started a home based business doing non-linear video editing and digital presentations. The people who see me in the gym five days a week would probably never guess that I know more than just how to send e-mail on a PC!
I am very open minded when it comes to music. I am not the greatest Country fan, but some of it it is decent. When I'm in the gym I'll go back to the 90's hair band rock of Aerosmith, Motley Crue, and others along with the likes of Kid Rock, Limp Bizkit, etc. When I drive, the XM radio is usually tuned to 20 on 20 or The Mix.
All three CSI's (the original is still the best), Criminal Minds, Two and a Half Men, and yes, I'll admit it - the news!