hiking, singing, NPR, yoga, talking on the phone, fun gay men, fun straight men, intelligent people, good grammar, sushi, weird people, good drag shows, red wine, pottery, backgammon, blue hedgehogs, bats, cribbage, trashy plastic x-mas lawn decorations.
Harrison Ford, Patrick Stewart, Ben Kingsley. Steve Martin. Jimmy Stewart.
J.S. Bach, choral music with a good alto line, piano music, Glenn Gould, heavy-duty requiems, early music, Moxy Fruvous, Bluegrass, opera.
Back to the Future, Fried Green Tomatoes, Rear Window, Vertigo, The Fugitive, The Hunt for Red October, The Princess Bride, Planes Trains and Automobiles, the Wrong Trousers, Sixteen Candles, Amadeus, Sneakers, Two Mules for Sister Sara.
Simpsons, Frazier, West Wing, Malcolm in the Middle, Queer Eye, Six Feet Under, While You Were Out. Northern Exposure. Quincy. The Fugitive.
The Sibley Guide to Birds, Lives of the Great Composers, The Pop-up Book of Phobias, An Unquiet Mind, Sara Paretsky novels, The Gold Bug Variations, The Secret Diaries of Pelly Pelican from the Sea-Wees collection.
Lisa Simpson