--=xx[ BenZ ]xx=-- profile picture

--=xx[ BenZ ]xx=--

I am here for Friends

About Me

ehhm!!..huDdLe uP ya'LL diz iz ma iNtro comin'..heAr me oUt!!..em Benedick,ma FeLLaz callz me BenZ..an out goin' person...a Human and Nature *FRIENDLY* specie..em trustworthy..a good Listner and a maDA f**kn' sWeEt TakiN' pImP..i ain't talkin' Sh*t!?..em true 2 ma self and 2 others..i cherish ma FaM and FriendZ coz they mke me whole and givez me worth in diz f**k'd Up place called EARTH..i FEAR ONLY GOD AND NO 1 ELSE..i got ALL da WerKS,LeSS da HEighT...HAHAHA?!..tru gentleman(dats wat they say?!)..noT a PlaYa wen it comez 2 LOVE(but why love olweiz playz on me!!).. Tru frnd nd huZls any maDa' F**ker!? hu'LL MesS wit Ma FeLLaZ..Got LotZ of LuviN' 2 gve fo' ya'LL....So btr try me..HAHAHA!!? ;)..fo more info bout me juz look at ma Testimonials aight?!!...PEACE nd LuviN' to all ya'LL!!??..thnX nd em OUGHTTA hUr!!!???..thatz a WRAP!!!-=xX8Xx=-a.k.a. tHe KinGFisHErr

My Interests

clubbin'..chillin' wit ma FeLLaz..pc games..shutn' zum hoops..hitin' billardz..go fishin' in clubZ nd in da malls..HAHA?!..

I'd like to meet:

Old frndz nd New oneZ..Zum1 hu cn stick wit me tru ThicK or ThiN..BeaTifuLCreatUres0fGOD..FiNE FiSheZ!!!..TRuE nd AlL ouT FrienDz nd of corz ma QUEEN!!??..saw HeR na..God has GiVen mE my QuEEn and sheZ my BABY VANESSA...LOVE HER SO MUCH..


Hiphop,R&B,slow jamZ,love songZ fo' xpresin' ma LuviN'...


loTZ of it..no Tym To TeL..


CSI,fear factor,sopranos..




GOD..mA ParenTS..Ma FeLLaz..Ma SeLF