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Let go of your throat if your dying to breath

About Me

: pedrodood
Check Out Why Ships Sink
Hellooo. My name is Pedro. I own , you should totally go there and click my advertisements :D
I'm a super chill person so yeah, you can bring the drama but I'll just ignore you. =]
I like lots of different music, from Indie HipHop to old Country like Johnny Cash. I have lots of cool friends and I love hanging out with them and drinking some beer when the opportunity arrises. =]
I super love my family more than anything. My biggest fear is Karma, so I always try to respect people, even those I might not necassarily care for.
Every day, a male co-worker walks up very close to a lady standing at the coffee machine, inhales a big breath of air and tells her that her hair smells nice.
After a week of this, she can't stand it anymore,takes her complaint to a supervisor in the personnel department and states that she wants to file a sexual harassment grievance against him.
The Human Resources supervisor is puzzled by this decision and asks, "What's sexually threatening about a co-worker telling you your hair smells nice?"
The woman replies, "It's Keith, the midget."

My Interests

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Should you make me one? Yeah, you should ;]

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I don't hate you Pedro.


Pulp Fiction is great.


Dont do much TV except sports. Family guy when I have the chance.


My Blog

FAQ's <~~~~~Read Before Messaging Me.

FAQ's(frequently asked questions) You guys message me alot of wierd stuff and I read none of it. Im going to try and answer some of the more common questions here.Q. ASLA. I had to ask to find out wh...
Posted by pedro on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 03:34:00 PST