I'd like to meet:
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de todo menos quebradita o RBD. algo asi como Cat Power, PJ Harvey, Dresden Dolls, The Ditty Bops, Zap Mama, Depeche Mode, Ely Guerra, Kate Havnevik, Emiliana Torrini, Rossana, Fobia, Ella Fitzgerald, Ladytron, Le Tigre, Elliot Smith, Rufus Wainwright, Anthony and the Johnsons, Björk, Imogen Heap, the knife, royksopp, Kinky, Milo, Cepillin, etc...
Nightmare Before Christmas, Stranger than fiction, Habla con ella, Tobi el de las alas, la mujer de mi hermano, Pan's Labyrinth,
HEROES, Medium, Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy, Deperate Faghags, Prision Break, Shark, L word, Rescue me, Nip/Tuck,
AstroBoy, Dali, myself and the guy that chugged a 40 in one gulp last night at fiesta cantina.