Impeach Dubya profile picture

Impeach Dubya

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a web developer, musician and open mike host/concert presenter - not necessarily in that order on any given day. If you want to find out more about that stuff, check out my other Myspace page at or my website at .

I have also found some great alternatives to MySpace. They are based on the same principles, editing profiles is accomplished in the same way, but most importantly, they are not so slow and 'buggy'. One is called called 'SiteSpaces' and the other is called 'Lost Cherry' (it's really not what you think). Check them out - you can join for free, just like MySpace, and as I said, they are not so slow and buggy.

I like to keep an archive of bulletins/blogs that I've posted on because things here on MySpace tend to expire, get lost, vanish or run away from home. Feel free to join there and do the same.
The reason for this myspace account should be self-explanatory.

I don't normally get worked up about the political machinations of the bunch in Washington, DC. However, during the past 5 years under the leadership of President George W. Bush and his administration, a lot of really sketchy business has gone down in Washington. We've gone to war in one country based on bogus information, ignoring a clear and present danger in a totally different country. We've gone from a record budget surplus to an oppressive record budget deficit. We have been spied upon by our own government. Our personal rights and freedoms have been encroached upon and chiselled away one by one, and now even our national security here at home is at risk.

It would appear that, as he heads into the 'lame duck' stretch of his presidency, ol' Shrub is getting to be a little more brazen in his attempts to undermine our country to benefit his own personal agenda.

The last straw for me was when a deal was proposed whereby the United Arab Emirates would assume responsibility for and control over six major ports of entry to the United States. That is when this profile was born, and I started talking from any soapbox available, to anyone who will pay attention - and that is what we all need to do - to Pay Attention!

The United Arab Emirates!

Anyone remember Arabs flying planes into buildings? Hull - lo!

Shortly after the deal was announced, representatives in Congress began drafting legislation to block the deal from going through. On Tuesday, Feb 21, Mr. Bush threatened to veto any such legislation. For the next 24 hours the media was a-buzz with commentary, even from his staunch supporters, against Mr. Bush's position. On Wednesday, Feb 22, Mr. Bush stated that he knew nothing about the UAE taking over any port operations.
This guy must think we're as stupid as he is - either that or he has a stash of the best pot anywhere and he's really stoned. Perhaps both.
He clearly does not possess the mental acuity required of someone in his position. He and his band of greedy henchmen need to be removed from office as swiftly as possible to avoid any further damage.
Please take a moment and join me in signing a petition calling upon our representatives to initiate a referendum in the U.S. House of Representatives to vote to impeach President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard B. Cheney, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for high crimes and misdemeanors, and to have the case prosecuted and tried in the U.S. Senate.
There is an on-line petition at . This is quite possibly the best and most important thing that you could do for our country and our troops overseas.

NOTICE: Please do not post video content in comments. By all means, post an image of a screen capture with a link to the video, but don't post the video itself.

video files in comments will be deleted. Sorry.

Images are limited to 468px wide

Let's all do our part to keep the MySpace server from bogging down.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

I'd love to meet YOU!

I attempt to leave a comment for everyone who sends a request to be a part of my MySpace Friends network. However - I am not a very patient fellow. If your site takes 10 years to load because of all of the blinky, spinning, whizzing, glimmering stuff, chances are that I waited a while and moved on without leaving a comment.

Help us to keep bringing the news

An archive of all of the bulletins and blogs is located at . If you feel so inclined, a small donation to help defray the cost of hosting would be greatly appreciated. To help, please click the donate button below.

Thanks for all that you do

- M


Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young

My Blog

MySpace Does Not Discriminate When Censoring Content

Forwarded Message From Common Cause:MySpace has censored our ad about the dangers of media consolidation.Common Cause members have already sent tens of thousands of messages to the FCC - but in this f...
Posted by Impeach Dubya on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 01:26:00 PST

We're All Prisoners, Now: US Citizens to be Required 'Clearance' to Leave USA

Forget no-fly lists. If Uncle Sam gets its way, beginning on Jan. 14, 2007, we'll all be on no-fly lists, unless the government gives us permission to leave-or re-enter-the United States.The U.S. Depa...
Posted by Impeach Dubya on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 10:29:00 PST

Sanity in government - at least at some level

Chuck Keiper - Portage County (Ohio) County CommissionerOne of my web developer cohorts is supporting the efforts of Chuck Keiper, who is running for re-election.  He shared a song, written by Ch...
Posted by Impeach Dubya on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 12:34:00 PST

Light Reading - 15 Aug 06

Light Reading - 15 Aug 06Bush Policy Aiding Our EnemiesHere we go again.I wonder if Americans will continue to fall for the political exploitation of their fears of terrorism, or if voters will begin ...
Posted by Impeach Dubya on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 12:55:00 PST

Light Reading - 13-Aug-06

Light Reading - 13-Aug-06Triumph of the New Moral CenterNed Lamont's stunning upset of incumbent Sen. Joe Lieberman in the Connecticut Democratic primary race on Tuesday sends shock waves through the...
Posted by Impeach Dubya on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 11:37:00 PST

More Light Reading - 04-Aug-06

Useless Democrats:Senator Clinton Says Rumsfeld Should ResignWashington (AP) - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton called Thursday for the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, hours after excoria...
Posted by Impeach Dubya on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 12:24:00 PST

Light Reading - 04-Aug-06

BUSH MAKING MORE ENEMIES IN THE MIDDLE EASTA MESSAGE TO IMPEACHMENT SUPPORTERS FROM RAMSEY CLARKBy failing to press for the impeachment of President Bush and his most bellicose advisors, the American ...
Posted by Impeach Dubya on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 10:15:00 PST

Light Reading - 02-Aug-06

Light Reading - 02-Aug-06Haditha investigation Implicates MarinesWASHINGTON - Evidence collected on the deaths of 24 Iraqis in Haditha supports accusations that U.S. Marines deliberately shot the civi...
Posted by Impeach Dubya on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 02:07:00 PST

Light Reading - 31 July 06

31 July 06Roberts and Alito Misled UsBy Edward M. Kennedy, US SenatorThe careful, bipartisan process of years past - like so many checks and balances rooted in our Constitution - has been badly broken...
Posted by Impeach Dubya on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 07:16:00 PST

Light Reading - 01-Jul-06

FAS Secrecy Newsfrom the FAS Project on Government Secrecy Volume 2006, Issue No. 72June 29, 2006Project on Government Secrecy - Federation of American Scientists**   "SEALED V. SEALED": HOW...
Posted by Impeach Dubya on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 01:09:00 PST