Acting, Singing, Tea, Soup, Ibiza, beautiful and passionate people, Musical Theatre, Shakespeare, Restoration, comedy, voices, Disney, dancing to baleric/tribal/electro house and most other things ESPECIALLY r n'b an RAP-YUM!, lake windermere, nature (get a bit carried away) and cars- mainly vintage- i've had a vw beetle-bugsy-on my drive for the past few years and have yet to book a driving lesson...c'est la vie!
Jack Nicholson, Judi Dench, Dawn French, Matt Damon, Tom Hanks, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn...Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Anniston all at the same time over dinner!!....Stephen Speilburg...the Spice Girls (GIRL POWER!!!)...Bing Crosby and Sinatra...and Jay Kay!! Kate Moss would be interesting..Hugh Grant, Gwen Stefani, the man from the Cerruti Ad, mr Right...........i'll stop.
Funky/Baleric/Tribal/dirty electro House, Vocal Harmonies, acoustic guitar, soul, rock, Musical Theatre, Rap...generally anything that makes me tap my feet with some emotional injection and i'm there!!
3 Men and a Little Baby, 3 Men and a Little Lady, all classic Disney, Sixth Sense, lost in translation, closer, cold mountain, collateral, james bond, star wars, bridget jones, amilie, uncle buck, as good as it gets, one flew over the cookoo's nest...the list goes on and on, i love films even though i don't watch them very often.
I don't often watch t.v. but i like drama premieres and i used to like watching murder she wrote and doctors when i was in sixth form. I'm anti reality television programmes, they're putting actors in an even trickier situation than ever before, consuming the televison and our jobs... like using kareoke as a cheap replacement to live entertainment...gotta stop ranting, just can't help it when i see this big blank space, it brings out my inner Thatcher.(how anal does that sound!)
A Midsummer nights dream-could read it again and again, anything by neil simon or harold pinter, roald dahl is a leg'...just enjoy reading plays or books about fucked up people or love if i'm in the mood?
Judi Dench, Rachel Weis, Joanna Lumley, Jennifer Aniston, David Whitworth, Tara Mcgroughty, T&T Pratt, Carlos Santos, Lucien & Benedicte, Claire, Steven, Dimitree, Ursula Brett, Dewi Hughs, Katharine, Simone Waller, Paul Wallis, Vicki/Tori, mel, holly, max, phil, Melanie Taylor, My Family and friends other than that i find something to admire in everyone.