I, when necessary abandon moderation for excess, accept confusion rather than run the risk of sacrificing spontaneity to lucidity, am willing to be utterly illogical if within my heart I feel that I may stifle emotional truth by subjecting it to analysis.
The Wild One. Chuck Liddell, Walter Payton and Edward Norton maybe someone i can eat ice cream w/ while watching some Pride Fighting... or any one that can make me laugh uncontrollably, really. i only date guys with member only jackets and look good in wool sweaters and cords. I'm a sucka for neck tattoos. oh and Mika Tan. so check it.okay oppsy poopsy pants, my little pumpkin pie cake sweets, love love love have an awesomely wonderful day even though the weather is awesomely ca ca.
Amy Winehouse- Rehab
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pulp fiction, Raging Bull, American history X, mall rats, *clerks, *sixteen candles, Troop Beverly hills, breakfast club, *Breakfats at Tiffany's, Troy, donnie darko, scareface, star wars (all), Any given sunday, clash of the titans, swingers, true romance, happy gilmore, Ace Venture, the good the bad the ugly, elf, space balls, mean girls, bring it on, rebel without a cause, ***cat on a hot tin roof***, warriors, super troopers, as good as it gets, officer and a gentleman, falling down, stand by me, pretty in pink, NAPOLEAN DYNAMITE, Longest Yard,Goonies, Thumbsucker, Gladitor, Walk the Line, Widcats, down with love, Starship Troopers (the book is better), Monster in-law, Whale rider, Anchorman, Three Amigos, Major League, Rudy, Full Metal Jacket, Big Red One, Fight Club, stripes, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, 40 year old virgin, *The Princess Bride (all time fav), Terminator (all), Flash dance, i heart hucabees, beat street,beaches, take the lead, the matador, a walk to remember, thumbsucker, lost boys, me you and everyone we know, king kong, great outdoors, my mother likes women...and other queer cinema, the life aquatic, the whale and the squid, coffee and cigarettes, casino, why do fools rush in?, stranger than fiction, she's so lovely, dazed and confused, the jerk, son of jesus, little miss sunshine, gleaming the cube, falling down, waking life, scanner darkly and the hits just keep on coming.
Project Runway, Nacy Gray show, the News, and FOOD NETWORK!! Sandra Lee's semi home cooked meals.
"Never Die Easy" "On the Road" "Catch-22"
My Parents, Walter Payton, Chuck Liddell, and John Wooden, Cecil Beaton..