I love anything that has to do with the water, yoga, outside, music, friends... These are the loves of my life! BIG LOVE
I like smart, surfing, athletic, sky diving, confident, passionate, talented, motivated, creative, intuitive, peace loving, guitar playing, heart throbbing people.
This Pitbull song is everything that's wrong with our society, but why is it so fun to dance to? I'm Yours is everything that salvages us. It's your god given right to be LOVED!
love the funny, love the serious,
I am generally not a t.v. person because of the hypnotic vibrations and the mind polluting nonsense, but when I do partake, Little House on the Prarie, South Park, The Simpsons, My Boys, Side Order Of Life
Love anything by Tom Robbins or John Steinbeck. The Red Tent, Jane Eyre, Siddhartha, no less than 30 books on my must read list at given time...ferocious when it comes to reading. And I am writing my first book right now...there will be a big announcement when it's finished.
Mother nature, my friends and family, people who enjoy their life and use it for some good... ,