C28 profile picture


Official C28

About Me


C28 is a Christian retail store chain, offering an alternative to the mainstream mall stores. The Christian clothing, music, jewelry and accessories reflect a clean and positive Christian lifestyle. C28 stands for Colossians 2:8, Not Of This World (NOTW), and all about Jesus!

C28 donates a certain percentage of all purchases to youth ministries. The mission at C28 is to share the life changing gospel message of grace, truth and love of Jesus. All praise goes to God!

"See to it that no-one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ." Colossians 2:8

My Interests

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http://groups.myspace.com/c28wellington http://groups.myspace.com/c28santaclara http://groups.myspace.com/c28sanjose http://groups.myspace.com/c28palmdesert http://groups.myspace.com/c28riverside http://groups.myspace.com/c28temecula http://groups.myspace.com/c28santaana http://groups.myspace.com/c28escondido http://groups.myspace.com/c28elcajon


Now playing. Sponsored band Skillet:

