in our time
Honest answer: people who make me think critically from different perspectives.
Serge Gainsbourge avec Jane Birkin...
but honestly folks I love so much music that it is painful, but if you forced me to say something I would immediately say The Beatles.
can you make out my graffiti (encouraged by the locals btw) on the strawberry fields sign in Liverpool?
Annie Hall --no doubt all time favorite.
Eternal Sunshine --- favorite movie made within last five years
Battle of Algiers ---Favorite foreign film made in the 60s
(Well, I guess A Hard Days Night counts as Foreign as well, so we have a tie folks)
The Bicycle Thief --- Favorite depressing foreign film
The 400 Blows --- Favorite French New Wave Cinema
Tarantino's film, because they are so cool...and I mean genuinely, timelessly, cool that they send chills down my spine. Like that seen when Uma Thurman dances to Chuck Berry with John Travolta.
The Magnificent Seven --Favorite Western Film that ripped of Akira K.
Stray Dog --- Favorite by Akira K.
On The Waterfront --- Favorite Movie featuring Marlon Brando in Black and White.
"You was my brother, Charlie. You shoulda looked out for me a little bit so I wouldn't have to take them dives for the short-end money. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum. Which is what I am." --breaks my heart everytime.
Check out my netflix queue!
The Office (BBC) (does anything get any funnier? Save for the original Chapelle Shows?)
The Sopranos
that's it and that's all. The simpsons are sooooo lame now, and I am often not impressed by Frontline, and definitely repulsed by 60 minutes (I find its segments to be quite conservative...)
ok ok, I almost forgot, one of my favorite things to do in the world is watch the original CBC broadcasts of Degrassi with my dear friend Jess. She has them on tape from her days growing up as a child in Vermont. They come complete with Canadian comercials from the 80s including ones for The East Coast Music Awards (East Coast of Canada!)
This may be sad to say, but when I was 16 I read Arthur MIller and John Steinbeck for the first time. They still hold a profound influence on me. I compare almost everything I read to their works.But I do likeFaulker Melville Whitman Phillip Roth Gay Talese Joan Didion Marjane Satrapi David Sedaris (sometimes, he can be bad...but mostly he is hilarious) well as various nonfiction writers such as Seymour Hersh, Hunter S Thompson, Eric Schlosser (go to UC Berkeley and check out Fast Food Nation, I got it autographed by ES and then returned it to the library...I think he wrote something like "to the students of UC Berkeley keep questioning everything...")i did not like the book "reading lolita in tehran" but I do like the work of Nabakov.I am not fond of Bernard Lewis, so as you might have guessed (you political junkies you) I like Edward Said.Right now i am about to start a Phillip K. Dick book. I will tell you what I think later (if anyone cares to ask).
John Lennon. Mohammad Mossadegh. Walt Whitman and Arthur Miller, Abbie Hoffman...and sometimes Diego Maradona. my folks.