Ciar Cullen profile picture

Ciar Cullen

Romance writer Ciar Cullen

About Me

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Namaste! Please add me as your friend (see ADD to the left). I'd love to hear from readers, aspiring writers, published writers, and artists of every type. I'm from Baltimore, and have lived in various spots worldwide. After working as an archaeologist for many years, I've settled into a desk job with writing as my hopeful retirement job. I enjoy music of all sorts, preferably quirky, classic films, and fantasy and the paranormal as reading material. My favorite authors are Terry Pratchett, David Eddings, and the like. I'm currently published with Ellora's Cave, Samhain Publishing, and Loose ID, and am in search of an agent. I'll let you know how it goes
Myspace Layouts
THE WIZARD OF TIME just received a Recommended Read from Joyfully Reviewed!
MY BOOKS From Ellora's Cave: Wizard of Time; coming soon, Love's Martyr (Torrid Tarot)

From Samhain Publishing: Mayan Nights, Lords of Ch'i, Princes of Anfall, Unholy Vows (9/7/07), Key West Magic (12/07), Mayan Secrets (2/08)
From Loose ID:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Writers, readers, musicians, artists, photographers, anyone interested in the arts, travel, and archaeology. I'm particularly interested in the paranormal! Ghost Hunter fans welcome.


Foo Fighters, and all bands derivative of Nirvana, Gravity Kills, Depeche Mode, NIN and the like.


Enemy of the State, Vertigo, LOTR (ho-hum, kind of over it), The Village, Fight Club, The Spanish Prisoner, and 1100 more




La Nora, Elizabeth Lowell, Ann Rice, Mark Twain, Terry Pratchett, Robert Jordan, David Eddings, many more...


Mother Teresa, my brothers, my husband, our troops, all people struggling to help the hungry and sick, anyone smarter than me

My Blog

On competition

I'm at that point in my life (okay, I got my AARP card this year although I'm 15 years away from retirement) that I think I've softened. I never considered myself competitive really, but I feel even l...
Posted by Ciar Cullen on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 06:27:00 PST

On being a hobbyist writer

I've been wondering why people are afraid to call writing a hobby. Agents say it's the kiss of death--they won't take you seriously. But to call yourself a pro...hmnn. I'm not making a full-time livin...
Posted by Ciar Cullen on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 11:27:00 PST

Bad girl, bad blogger

Okay, who else is tapped out? Nothing to say? I have a webpage, a blog, this blog, myspace, a yahoo group, my publisher's groups, my Romance Diva pals, plus a real life. I'm not so good at keeping up ...
Posted by Ciar Cullen on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 03:16:00 PST

What or who inspires you?

I'm a huge Mark Twain fan, and I love these quotes. This is not much of a blog, but I thought I'd store them here, for future reference and for the one person who might see this! ..> I conceive th...
Posted by Ciar Cullen on Wed, 23 May 2007 10:51:00 PST

Sunday musings

Sunday is my only writing day, and I'm late, late, late to sit down at the computer. Aargh. Anyone else get slammed by promotion time? I'm beginning to understand those angsty writers who "go away" fo...
Posted by Ciar Cullen on Sun, 20 May 2007 11:05:00 PST

My site is sick

Oh, my site is down for some reason I cannot fathom. Have written my webmistress. Hope you'll all visit me on my blog at    ...
Posted by Ciar Cullen on Tue, 15 May 2007 06:59:00 PST

History's Mysteries

What license does fiction writing give you? As a former archaeologist, I get many questions from fellow writers about antiquity. Usually I have to honestly answer "I don't know what the current schola...
Posted by Ciar Cullen on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 02:36:00 PST

Bad Girl

Oh, I've been so remiss in blogging here. I blog there, another place, and that other spot. I'm new to myspace, and besides, I'm not convinced anyone will read this! I'm waiting for edits on one book ...
Posted by Ciar Cullen on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 04:41:00 PST

What's new!

I'm thrilled to report that my "Torrid Tarot" Love's Martyr has been accepted by Ellora's Cave! It's a humorous medieval quest fantasy in the tone of Wizard of Time. I'm looking forward to telling you...
Posted by Ciar Cullen on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 08:05:00 PST

Wizard of Time has been recommended

WIZARD OF TIME is Joyfully Recommended! Read the review'> .CC.html">review here, which in part says "Wizard of Time is a hilarious, witty and...
Posted by Ciar Cullen on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 02:34:00 PST