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About Me

Composer, Photographer, Songwriter. Keyboardist/Vocalist for Whitesnake, The Eagles, Don Henley, Stevie Nicks
See more at Timothy's OFFICIAL WEBSITE
See what Korg Keyboard's site has to say NEW ARTICLE
My CD "The Crossing" is FINALLY available on iTunes. There's much more new music coming soon, but for now, continue to enjoy these songs at this iTunes link...and if you are so inclined, write a review! Thank you for all the great support of my work as an artist!!!!

I'm also very pleased to be endorsing the Receptor from Muse Research....an amazing tool for the studio and live performance. Check out the demos I did recently for this great company at MUSE RESEARCH

My Interests

Music, Art, Laughter

I'd like to meet:

People who aren't afraid to laugh when they're happy, or cry when they're sad. People who are still moved by the beauty all around them. People who are curious and inspiring. People who realize that we each have something valuable to give and that we are stronger together than we are alone.
Buy Corridor Tracks...Timothy's Instrumental Music directly from the SNOCAP store below


Filmscores, motown, r&b, classic rock, classical, singer songwriters


English Patient, Schindler's List, Wrestling Ernest Hemingway,The Shawshank Redemption, Children of a Lesser God,The Great Race, Its a Mad Mad Mad Mad World, Austin Powers(only the first one!)Mysterious Island, The Day The Earth Stood Still, Jean de Florette, Manon of the Spring, Amelie, Map of the Human Heart, Mindwalk, ET, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Citizen Kane, Contact,Annie Hall, Sleeper, Apocalypse Now, Lawrence of Arabia, The Godfather I&II,Awakenings, The Fisher King, Out of Africa, Sophie's Choice, A Fish Called Wanda, Ray, Scarface, Vertigo, Rear Window.......SO many more


Star Trek(the old series only), The Prisoner, Da Ali G Show, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Discovery, Modern Marvels, Anything from Ken Burns, Jeopardy, Letterman, Conan


The Unbearable Lightness of Being, A Confederacy of Dunces, A Prayer for Owen Meany, Love in the Time of Cholera


My mom