Art, Design, Illustration, Photography, Martial Arts, Philosophy, Zen, Logic, Archery, Traveling, Cybernetics, Cyberpunk, Bio-mechanical Design, Japanese Language, Asian Culture Studies, Music, Computers, Video Games, gritting, exotic foods, Role Playing, Precision Vehicles, Electronics, Technology, Dreams, fussiness, Marketing, Psychology, Cyberpunk, Steam punk, Eroticism, Mechanical Design, Artificial Intelligence, Chaos Theory, Fuzzy Logic, Reading, Refinement of the spirit, Cooking, Repairing Machinery, Exploring & Traveling, Thunder and Lightening, Poetry, Candles , Dark Chocolate, violins, cooking.
Kevin Warwick (Professor of Cybernetics) William Gibson (Author of Cyberpunk Novels) Masamuni Shiro (Ghost in the Shell)Those that would help me seeking enlightenment.I am always searching for creatively inclined individuals to network and converse with. (Please do not hesitate to contact me or comment on any of my images or ideals.) Creativity gives purpose to the drifting soul.
I listen to pretty much everything:
7 Years of Famine, Akira Yamaoka, Amber, And One, Android Lust, Apoptygma Berserk, Assemblage 23, B! Machine, Bach, Beborn Beton, Beethoven, Bile, Blue October, Burn, Bjork, Cat People, Celldweller, Cevin Key, Clair Voyant, Collide, Conjure One, Cosmicity, Count to Infinity, Covenant, Cruxshadows, Cyber Tech Project, C-Tech, Combichrist, Dark Illumination, Das Ich, Day Behavior, Dead Can Dance, Decoded Feedback, Depeche Mode, DE-VISION, Delirium, Diary of Dreams, Dir En Grey, DJ Icy, DJ Mystic, Download, Dresden Dolls, Droom, Echo Image, Effector, Effiel 65, Enigma, Enya, Equinox, Evanescance, Evil's Toy, Faith And the Muse, Feindflug, Fictional, Funkervogt, Fusspils 11, Frontline Assembly, Gackt, Garbage, Gary Numan, Geistform, Goldfrap, Good Courage, Hansel Und Gretel, Haujobb, Him, Hocico, Hybrid, Icon of Coil, Industrial Love Prediction, In Strict Confidence, Insekt, Intuition, Illuminate, Information Society, Iris, Jan Hammer, Juno Reactor, KAJ, Kidney Thieves, KMFDM, Korn, Kraftwerk, Leather Stip, Linkin Park, London After Midnight, Lords of Acid, Lorena McKennit, Machines of Loving Grace, Magenta, Malice Mizer, Marilyn Manson, Man With No Name, Manufactura, Meg Lee Chin, Melotron, Merg, Mesh, Ministry, Ministry of Sound, Moby, Moulin Noir, Nuclear Sky, Neuroactive, Neumaschinen, NIN, Noise Unit, Noxious Emotion, Orbital, Orgy, Paganini, Paul Oakenfield, Peter Murphy, Prodigy, Project Pitchfork, Pro Tech, Pulcher femina, Pulse Legion, Q’ntal, Rasputina, Ravenous, Razed In Black, Revolting Cocks, Rob Zombie, Robert Miles, Seabound, Sisters of Mercy, Sister Machine Gun, Siouxie and the Banshees, Skinny Puppy, Slick Idiot, Somegirl, Spahn Ranch, Stabbing Westward, Steve Roche, Stormkern Suicide Commandos, Surface Patterns, Switchblade Symphony, Synaesthesia, Syrian, System 22, System of a Down, Tamvred, Tatu, Terrorfakt, The Birthday Massacre, The Cardigans, The Echoing Green, The Nine, The Other Side, The Strand, The Tea Party, Tori Amos, Tumor, Traumschmiere, Type O Negative, Vast, Velvet Acid Christ, Venessa Mae, Virtual Server, Vivaldi, VNV Nation, Voice Industrie, Voltaire, Wagner, Wave in Head, White Zombie, Wideband Network,. Wolfsheim, Wumpscut, X-Japan, Yelwork, Zeromancer, Zoar.
Ghost in the Shell, Last Samurai, silent Hill, Xenogears, Xenosaga Queen of the Damned, Interview with a Vampire, Castlevania, Underworld, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, the Crow.
-- will be adding more soon..
A Knights Tale, AI, Aliens, Back to the Future, Battle Royal, Blood the Last Vampire, Bubble Gum Crisis, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Count of Montey Christo, Crow, Dark City, Dark Crystal, Donnie Darko, Dune, Dracula, Equilibrium, Event Horizon, Falling Down, Fight Club, Final Fantsy, F: Advent Children, Ghost in the Shell, Gladiator, Gone in 60 seconds, Hardware, Interview with a Vampire, Jacob's Ladder, Kill Bill I & II, Lord of the Rings, Lost Boys, Last Samurai, Mask of Zoro, Matrix, Mononoke Hime (Princess Monoke), Pitch Black, Queen of the Damned, Quills. Rejected, Screamers, Terminator, The Ring, Thirteenth Floor, Time Machine, Unbreakable, Nightmare before Christmas, Pirates of the Caribbean, Record of the Lodoss Wars, Robocop, Rocky Horror Picture Show, .Ruroni Kenshin, Samurai X, Sin City, Star Wars, Sleepy Hollow, Zaitoichi.
I don't watch TV.
I-Cyborg, Tales of the Otori Trilogy, Dark Elf Trilogy, Edger Allen Poe, Watership Down, cyberpunk and fantasy stories. (Still working on this section)