Collision Of My Axioms - NEW SONG UP! profile picture

Collision Of My Axioms - NEW SONG UP!

...every ending is a new beginning...

About Me

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BIO - (another) few notes sometime before we die...

Collision Of My Axioms (Axiom = "a statement or principle which is generally accepted to be true, obvious and self-evident...") is five guys with different musical background, challenging theirselves in trying to express their beliefs, sensations, values, through what is generally intended to be Hardcore music. Yeees, a bit of Metal too! ...but in the end it's not really about what kind music this is or this can be similar to, it's more about facing every morning that voice hidden deep inside of yourself, who you really are, about finding the strength to reach the end of the day, fighting against time, it's absolutely ALL about living or being alive... This is our third year together and we still definitely love to play loud, hang out and party hard, pack up the van and drive uncountable kilometres, jump around the whole venue, smash guitars and blow up amps!
During the past year we've had the pleasure to share the stage with tons of great bands: SICK OF IT ALL, BORN FROM PAIN, CATARACT, NO TURNING BACK, SMACKDOWN, ANCHOR, RITUAL, ALL FOR NOTHING, LINHA DE FRENTE, ALGUNA VEZ FUI CIEGO, FEEDING TIME, STRAIGHT OPPOSITION, GONNA FALL HARD and this is just the beginning...
More recently we finished recording a bunch of new songs that will be released as the 'VERITAS' EP. This winter we headed to One Voice Studio with Danny Giordana (Hatebreed, Biohazard, Madball, Agnostic Front, Sick Of It All, Ignite, Suicidal Tendencies and many more...) on boards, and worked hard day by day 'til we literally reached what we were striving for. In the end the final result satisfied all of our efforts, and even more if considered this is the very first Collision Of My Axioms’ professional recording to date! Hard to describe in our own words what came out, think a mix of aggressive and hard-hitting hardcore/metal as in late Walls Of Jericho, a bit of Pantera groovy taste and inevitable NYHC classic anthems!... Well, in the end it’s better for you all to listen and make an idea on your own!
So at the moment we're sending out tons of press-kits with the main aim of finding someone (LABEL, GROUP OF LABELS or so...) helping us to co-produce, print or at least distribute the CDs in their own areas. If you think you can be of any help do not hesitate to contact us!
In the meanwhile we resumed the live activity, so we're open to any kind of proposal! Contact us for shows at collisionofmyaxioms[at]

The DEMO - download it FOR FREE here now!...

In the past summer of 2006 we released our DEMO as a TOTALLY DO IT YOURSELF PRODUCTION: we recorded, mixed, edited, mastered it, done the artworks, all by ourselves using (and abusing...) "low-cost" sound card driver and home Personal Computer. It consisted of 4 songs that represent just a little part of our set, but give sort of idea of what we mean Collision Of My Axioms is. In the end it was a DEMO recording, so just a way for us to find dates and definitely some kind of local exposure. And it worked the right way about that!...
For the record's publishing we adopted some Creative Commons ' licenses as we think freedom and wide fruibility is the first thing in music and, in general, in arty works when you are trying to spread a message!
First 100 copies were numbered, so now some lucky (or unlucky as well!) guys got a little treasure in their collection, as of today it's no longer available... For this and other reasons we decided to make it fully downloadable here .
HAVE FUN!!!...




My Interests


Member Since: 2/23/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:

Influences: Raised Fist, Walls Of Jericho, Hatebreed, Terror, Madball, No Innocent Victim, Sick Of It All, Throwdown, Earth Crisis, XMilk, Reprisal, Bury Your Dead, Shai Hulud, Integrity, Turmoil, MDC, Misconduct,
many more...
Sounds Like:

Record Label: searching for...

Type of Label: None

My Blog


Here it is, here we are ...still fuckin' loud!!!No, it's not an old Rancid-teenage-angst-style tune as you were all thinking about, just our old DEMO finally fully downloadable! Yeah, it's FOR FREE, y...
Posted by Collision Of My Axioms - NEW SONG UP! on Wed, 21 May 2008 09:54:00 PST

Finally NEWS! tons of news!!!...

English:Hey everybody, Collision Of My Axioms is finally back!Well, what a long time of no news, no updates, no web stuff, no shows...but tons of work done on our side, sure! Nothing secretely, just t...
Posted by Collision Of My Axioms - NEW SONG UP! on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 05:36:00 PST

SICK OF IT ALL & news & thanks...

"Thinking back on what we had!...So here we are, back in our everyday life after this great yesterday night show, to make the point of this first season of Collision Of My Axioms started back in this ...
Posted by Collision Of My Axioms - NEW SONG UP! on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 09:32:00 PST

T H A N K Y O U San Remo ! ! !

Concerto last minute ieri sera in quel di San Remo, deciso nel primo pomeriggio e costellato di sbattimenti inverosimili e imprevisti e telefonate e corse in macchina e fughe dal posto di lavoro e aer...
Posted by Collision Of My Axioms - NEW SONG UP! on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 06:49:00 PST

24.10.2006 - debut show!

hey there, we survived yesterday night!...finally we did it, Collision Of My Axioms saw the light of the stage with the first show ever in town! (apart the private ones played only for friends...)so i...
Posted by Collision Of My Axioms - NEW SONG UP! on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 09:58:00 PST

News News News!

Hi everyone out there!so here's the first update for us! well, we must admit it's a good period for us, we're so busy of things to do (so we can't be so up-to-date with what's appening here on the web...
Posted by Collision Of My Axioms - NEW SONG UP! on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 08:20:00 PST