sanremo hc shows profile picture

sanremo hc shows

About Me

Non siamo un agenzia di booking,abbiamo la possibilità di organizzare piccoli concerti locali ,che per ora ci hanno dato enormi soddisfazioni e da qui la volontà di continuare.Stanchi di vedere concerti privi di partecipazione e passione nei confronti di gruppi che la meritano almeno quanto lo siamo di non aver mai visto la zona in cui siamo nati aprirsi concretamente verso la musica che amiamo nè verso i contenuti che ,a nostro avviso,porta con se' ,abbiamo scelto di attivarci,se vi interessa suonare a sanremo contattateci proveremo a fare il possibile per aiutarvi. // we're not a booking agency. we just have the opportunity to book local shows which, until now, have given us great satisfaction and the will to go on. Tired to attend shows without partecipation and passion towards bands who deserve it at least as we are tired of never having seen our zone open up to the music we love neither to the contents that, in our opinion, it carries with her , we have chosen to get active. If you are interested in playing here feel free to contact us: we'll do our best to help you. And of course... GO VEGAN , there's no other way.-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------let's say that..WE WOULD LIKE TO BOOK SHOWS AGAIN AND AGAIN but seems that in our small city no one cares bout people tryin' to promote shows with good bands with something to say anymore : there are no free spaces (where every hc shows should take place..) , no clubs able to understand our efforts . maybe in the future we will find a way , but for now don't ask us bout new gigs cause UNFORTUNATELY and NOT because of us we cannot satisfy your request. srhc crew

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My Interests


Member Since: 11/20/2007
Sounds Like: CONFRONTO live @ aighese' pub - sanremo - halloween hc festDIE YOUNG live @ Aighese-sanremo
Record Label: Unsigned

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