Who am I...I no longer know...
I use to think that I was a good person...carring, loving, and happy.
Now all that seems to have gone away..I put on a mask to hide my tears...but in reality I am nothing..no happiness, no carring, I hate everything at this time in my life..
I see all kinds of sadness in todays world...so I know that what I feel I am not alone. So many people with out a place to get out of this cold world.
Just as things start to seem better, I wake up and find that I am stuck in this place of sadness. Just another day, no wishes, no dreams. Just bitter memories of what use to be.
I use to have alot of dreams, but they seem so far off in the distance. So I just leave things the way they are..but no body notices, or takes notice of me..
They just go on with there own lives and rely on me to get them through there pain and sadness.
Never to help me through mine, they don't understand me, it makes it a very lonley place to be.
Only memories of a life I use to think I could have..
Which brings me to the key to my heart...
Someone has it and I can't seem to get it back...
Every time I think that I have gained it back, I am just fooling myself...
He is the only person that showed he cared no matter what I did. Staying up with me for hours day or night to make sure I was safe from my own crazy life.From Love Lost....
To Sadness...
To darkness...
I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!