Loyal Cubs fan!
My beard will be that long as well!
Hangin' with some of Chi's top sports anchors:
Lou Canellis, Brad "Professor" Palmer,
top dog Mark Giangreco and
Rich "Fish" King.
Jammerz and The Jilla Child...
Deep in thought!
Lost in drink.
The Greygoose bottle is empty...
Chicago is synonomous with House music, so what'd ya' think I listen to? Really like mixes by DJ's who can MIX. Add new wave/synth pop, all other types of dance music, rap, slow jamz, R&B(Luther, Marvin, Al, Teddy, Barry, etc.), jazz(not that Dave Koz shite), Metallica, Rage Against the Machine, Smashing Pumpkins and 80's. No country here! Once in a while get that taste for Sinatra, Tony Bennett and mafia-type music.
SHOWDOWN- The MMA documentary I helped shoot. Chronicles events leading to and including the Hook'N'Shoot match between Yves Edwards and Aaron Riley. Many consider that match "Fight of the Year 2001". Buy the DVD at www.Fightworld.com.
After that Paul Thomas Anderson, Wes Anderson, Quentin Tarantino, Steven Soderbergh, Christopher Nolan projects. Top Films: Boogie Nights, Ocean's Eleven,Tao of Steve, Life Aquatic, The Smashing Machine, HEAT, Momento, Equilibrium, Batman Begins, American Psycho, LOR trilogy, Pulp Fiction, A Clockwork Orange,Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, 40 Year Old Virgin, Half Baked, Orgasmo, All James Bond Movies, Rules of Attraction, Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love,Enter the Dragon, Resivoir Dogs, The Exorcist, Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgandy, Office Space, Swingers, Sin City, Wonderland, Royal Tenenbaums.
DVD/Videos by: Kobe Tai, Katie Morgan, Janine, Tera Patrick, Lilly Thai and Jenna Haze. As well as any .wmv or mpeg of Jordan Capri.
TV newscasts from anywhere in the USA. Heroes. Chapelle's Show. Pride on FSN. The Ultimate Fighter. Justice League. Lost. Smallville. Keith Olberman Countdown. ESPN. Attack of the Show. The Unit.
Reading Bruce Lee's work has led me to Jiddu Krishnamurti's writings. I'm on and off with his book "Total Freedom." Lots of re-reading. Still planning to find audio of his presentations because I'm told the writings don't do his material justice.
Kazushi Sakuraba(Saku), Vanderlei Silva, Yves Edwards, Randy Couture, Shogun Rua, Takanori Gomi, Genki Sudo, Igor Vovchanchin and Emelianenko Fedor.
Fictional heros would be Batman and James Bond.
Bruce Lee was a huge hero and influence. I studied Shotokan Karate as a kid, but Si-Gung started my true martial arts journey. Though I give him credit for showing me the proper path of martial arts development, I'm not a "BL-trekkie" and am not obsessed with his exact curriculum of Jun Fan/JKD. The childish argument within Jeet Kune Do betwen "original" and "concepts" camps was enough for me to leave JKD behind.