Making movies, playing guitar, watching old movies (some of the new ones are good too), traveling until i run out of money, dancing badly, meeting new people, talking too much and then listening too much, balancing a healthy lifestyle and drinking like a fish, playing frisbee golf, driving fast, swimming, and eating well, sleeping only to dream.
Jack Nicholson, Kerouak, Black. John Lennon, Cusack, Wayne. Kurt Vonnegut, Cobain, Douglas. Errol Morris, Roman Polanski, Nelson Mandela, Trent ReZnor, and God. OK, realistically, anyone that has an itch to meet me is welcome, just be real!
Some of my favorites are: NiN, Beatles, Radiohead, Miles Davis, A Perfect Circle...
A Clockwork Orange, American Beauty, Eternal Sunshine, Indiana Jones, Rosemary's Baby, Star Wars, Clerks, Vampire's Kiss, Raising Arizona, Evil Dead, Naked Lunch, Natural Born Killers, Pulp Fiction, Taxi Driver, Rear Window, The Usual Suspects, Fight Club.
I'll be damned if the thing turns on, except when it is controlled by my DVD player!
Short Stories, Good Scripts, Classic Novels, Writing my own damn book!